Sunday, February 24, 2008

Disneyland Paris stockholder annual meeting report

The big Disneyland Paris stockholder annual meeting happened three days ago on february 21, and of course everybody was waiting for special announcement for the future of the resort.
Well, the main info is that no infos at all were released on future new attractions, or anything else! However, if you don't leave this article right now, there is some good news ahead.

Let's have a look at some screen captures of the keynote presentation. For those of you who want to see the full présentation, you can download it HERE

On the image above, the new tag line for 2008 " la fète continue en grand! " or " the party goes on, bigger! " which has obviously a link with the coming marketing campaign about the Tower of terror, beginning early april.

The first image below is about the 2007 turnover - 12% more than in 2006, which is good. The theme parks activity increase of 14%, and the hotels of 17%.

The next one shows parks attendance raising from 12,8 millions visitors to 14,5 millions, which is very good news as it should prove to DLP executives that new attractions have good effects on parks attendance. I know, it is so obvious...

The next one is about hotel, and not only expenses per room are going up (+ 10,3%) but the occupancy rate ( if this is the right english word ) is now very high at almost 90%. Which means, in two words, that DLRP needs urgently a new hotel. Last year stockholder meeting, the management talked about a future new convention hotel and convention hall, and i think more than ever that we can count on it.

Finally, the last image show what is the percentage of visitors for each country:
from France: 44% - England: 16% - Benelux ( Belgium and Netherlands ): 13% - Spain: 11% - Germany: 3% - Italy: 3% - Rest of the world: 10% ( if you're an American or Canadian visitor, you are in the "rest of the world")

Of course, at the end of the presentation, there was the usual Q & A , but absolutely no interesting infos were released, except that a third theme park is "not for now", and i will add, not even in a near future.

With all this non-infos meeting, DLP fans were of course disappointed, but come back tomorrow, and i will tell you more about what we can probably expect for the future.

Photos: copyright Disneyland resort Paris

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alain. Thanks for the post. I must say I was hoping for more "news" from the Shareholders meeting but I guess Karl and his team are playing future cards close to their chests. So we can expect more growth for the rest of this year but will 2009 be a lean year if there are no new attractions or a big celebration to draw the crowds.

    Oh and for the shamefully non french speakers here is the link for the english version of the slides.

    download (pdf - 8 997 Ko)


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