Sunday, September 23, 2012

HKDL Halloween Clash of Evil Video

As i've let you know last week HKDL Halloween began and among what's new this year is "Main Street Clash of Evil". You can read more details about it in my previous post HERE but the first videos of it appeared on Youtube and you can see below how it looks when this kind of devilish ballet is happening in Main Street. Also happening during HKDL Halloween, the always popular "Glow in the Park" parade that you can also watch below. As the lighting is pretty dark during these two events it's better to watch the videos in full screen mode!

See you soon for more news of HKDL, and in the meantime, don't miss the great HKDL Wallpapers HD App for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
Direct iTunes link HERE!

Picture: copyright Disney

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