Monday, October 29, 2012

Disneyland Paris and WDS Ratatouille Ride Update

Here is a new Disneyland Paris update thanks to Max Fan from DLRP Welcome and D&M contributor. Lots of pictures of the works on the Ratatouille ride at the WDS but we'll begin by the Disneyland park as, good news, Peter Pan's Flight is open again after a few weeks of refurbishment.

 Nothing of course has changed in the ride itself but apparently the ride itself is smoother but the arrival remain always a bit hard. That said, we're pleased to hear that they've improved it as since they installed the boarding of two vehicles at one time some years ago it seems that it had an effect on the smoothness of the ride.

Nearby, It's a Small World Celebration with the special Christmas theming that happen each year now during the Christmas season seems to be already in place, even if the Christmas season is not begin yet. Or may be it's just the sign which has been changed.

In Adventureland, guests could meet Baloo and King Louis, as the characters were out. I know it looks as something minor but although DLP guests are used to see them on the floats during the parade it's more rare to meet and greet with them in Adventureland , and don't ask me why!

On Central Plaza tehre was also minor painting works on the new building built early this year in which is the Disney Dreams show control operations.

Let's move now to the Walt Disney Studios as i know you're dying to have some news of the Ratatouille ride works!

Max have plenty of new pictures of the  Ratatouille works for you and as you'll see the show building structure is changing very fast from one week to another.

Have a closer look at this next picture as you'll see the metallic dome structure which should be an important element of the ride. 3D projections should happen under this dome - which will be covered by a screen, of course.

What, you don't see it? Let's zoom in the picture, do you see it now?

There is more to see if you take the Tram Tour as the the tram moves near the Ratatouille show building. And what you can see is that they are currently in the insulation process which also look as what might be a start of theming, at least on one of the wall.

More pics of the Ratatouille works will come soon, so stay tuned on D&M. Also, here is an important message from Disneyland Paris to those of you planning to join the Halloween party on Oct 31 as the park wants you to know that there is some rules about the kind of Halloween costume or make-up that you're allowed to come with.

If you still don't guess what it mean, it means that no "bloody zombie" will be allowed in the park, and don't even dare to come with a make-up like the one below as you can be sure you will NOT enter DLP Magic Kingdom! ( Yeah, i know, this one is really scary but it's the perfect example of make-up that the park will not allow! )

See you soon for a new update and in the meantime those of you who are interested by the great DLP book might have a look at the presentation article in the article below or on the book web site HERE

Important Note: We're running low of the ENGLISH edition copies of the book and we know that by the end of the year the english collector's edition will be sold out. If you don't own the book yet and wish to order a copy please do it as soon as possible!

Order your copy of the acclaimed Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality book while there is still copies available! You'll find all infos to order an ENGLISH edition HERE and for the FRENCH edition it's HERE. Watch below the video showing the whole book!

Choose quantity and enjoy an additional discount !

Pictures: Max Fan - DLRP Welcome

1 comment:

  1. Ratatouille devrait ouvrir en 2014 normalement et servira de cloture au 20e anniversaire... (oui disney fetera encore le 20e pendant tout 2013...)


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