Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mermaids Appear in WDW Pirates of Caribbean

The rumor was right: "On Strangers Tides" mermaids have appeared in WDW Magic Kingdom Pirates of Caribbean. Don't expect though to face half-naked sea creatures and make sure you look on the right side of the ride as these mermaids are introduced in the beloved attraction mostly thanks to lighting and water effects and a mermaid skeleton, the one you see on the picture above.

If you want to see ( if i can say, as it's pretty dark ) some moving images Orlando Attractions has posted a video that you can see HERE.

Screen Capture: copyright Orlando Attractions

Don't miss Disney and more contest ending October 25th, and be the lucky winner of Disneyland Paris book! It's RIGHT HERE.


  1. I'm sure the effect will be more visible in real life, but it'd be nice to have a mermaid AA. Does the skeleton move at all?

  2. Dejiki, no, the skeleton is not moving.

  3. Marco Antonio GarciaOctober 24, 2012 at 4:51 AM

    Just hope that they don't put an Ariel AA there Dejiki.

    The effect looks very nice and subtle IMO, the way that it should be.

  4. Marco, that'd be hilarious! With the ominous "Dead men tell no tales..." echoing and Ariel singing "Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?" (Part of your world) in the background.

  5. Marco Antonio GarciaOctober 25, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    After they have put Nemo in the submarine voyage and in the living seas, Tarzan in the Swiss Family tree house, Iago in the Tiki room, and other animated characters in classic attractions, I really don't doubt anything...


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