Monday, January 14, 2013

Disneyland Indiana Jones Adventure Making of

I'll be back tomorrow with a new DLP update and the latest shots of the ratatouille construction but in the meanwhile here is a great making-of of the best Indiana Jones attraction in the world - Indiana Jones Adventure "Temple of the Forbidden Eye" at Disneyland! This video was released when the ride opened at Disneyland in 1995 and two actors of the original Indy movies - John Rhys-Davies and Karen Allen - are playing in it!

Picture and video: copyright Disney


  1. Great find Alain! Thanks so much.

  2. Very cool... takes me back to opening day! For those who do not know the black-and-white footage "Eyes around the Globe" was shown in the original pre-show queue area.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this!
    It is my favorite attraction in Disney Parks. I even reflect my obsession with it on the name of my blog!


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