Friday, February 22, 2013

WDI Video Shows New Interactive Features at WDW Big Thunder Mountain

As you know WDW Big Thunder Mountain is getting an interactive queue and WDI released a video which takes you on a tour of the interactive features. 

You'll be also interested to know that recently DLP Imagineering envisioned to do enhancements on both Phantom Manor and DLP Big Thunder Mountain. It has been postponed for money reasons probably and the one on Phantom Manor would probably include some of those they did at DL or WDW but for Big Thunder we didn't knew what they ere supposed to add. My guess is that they would probably do the same features that Imagineers are adding at WDW or DL Big Thunder, we'll see what it will be the day DLP will have the money to add them!

Picture and video: copyright DIsney


  1. Waw, that looks truly great!

    Now away with fastpass, everybody back in the queue ;)

  2. That's really nice!


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