Monday, June 17, 2013

Disney Get The Green Light For Glendale's Grand Central Air Terminal Renovation Project

It took ten years but that's it, Disney finally got the green light to renovate the Grand Central Air Terminal which is located  in Glendale, north of Los Angeles. More from

"Originally opened in 1929, the terminal was the main public building for the Glendale Municipal Airport which dates from 1922. Outside, the building is remarkable for its blend of Art Deco and Spanish Colonial architecture. The terminal's interior layout was a template for the layout for the future of airports with separate areas for ticketing, eating, and waiting. In its heyday, the terminal was used by high-flying celebrities, including Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, and Howard Hughes.

The terminal was closed to commercial aviation in 1944, and Glendale Airport was shut down permanently in 1959. Unfortunately, over the years, the Grand Central Air Terminal building has fallen into disrepair. Below, a shot of the original waiting room, now completely abandoned".

"After buying the land in the 1990s, Disney entered into a development agreement with the City of Glendale in 2000 to rehabilitate the building by the end of 2015. Disney wanted to build the land out for a new Grand Central Creative Complex, but because of the building's historic status, it had to cut a deal with city officials. Amongst the concessions Disney granted were that the land had to have an airplane "from the era" outside.

The Disney plan was approved back in March by the Glendale Historic Preservation Commission and in addition to structural improvements and seismic upgrades, the building's exterior will be restored to its former aesthetic glory from the clay roof tiles to the steel windows to the stone and stucco ornamentation. A nearby building will be demolished to provide a nice view of the building to passersby."

"Inside, the terminal will be retrofitted as offices for Disney employees. There will also be a visitor center and event space for the surrounding creative complex."

"According to the agreement with the city, Disney will need to provide "limited" public access to the building when construction is complete. Let's hope Disney takes that mandated service seriously."

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1 comment:

  1. Awesome for two reasons. One being a fan of restored historic architecture and the second being a pee-wee's big adventure location is saved!


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