Friday, August 23, 2013

Pirates of Caribbean 5 Title will be "Dead Men Tell no Tales"

So, it seems that Pirates of Caribbean 5 title will be "Dead Men Tell no Tales", which seems appropriate for a POTC movie, isn't it? What really surprises me is that they didn't used this quote as a title before! That said, i sincerely hope that the script of this POTC 5 will be better than the one of the POTC 4 movie. So far, for me the best remain the first one. There was good things in the 2 and 3 but i still think they should have done one movie with the POTC 2 and 3, instead of two.

Anyway, in the meantime you can have a look at this Pirates of Caribbean fan film which is quite well filmed in islands locations, even if the script is in my opinion a bit weak. It last 9 minutes and it's in french but with english subtitles.

1 comment:

  1. Marco Antonio GarciaAugust 26, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    I agree with you Alain that the title is very good for a POTC movie and that the first one was by far the best.

    For me the third was terrible and was the worst, I can't see many good things in it. The plot was ridiculous, too unrealistic and nonsense in a bad way! The characters running around the deck of the ship from one side to another for it to turn over was one of the most ridiculous scenes in movie history...


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