Monday, October 14, 2013

Disneyland Paris Update Part 3 : DLP Halloween Cavalcade Parade

Here is the second part of the DLP Halloween Update and this time - thanks to Max Fan, D&M contributor and Dlrp Welcome webmaster - it's all about the brand new Halloween Cavalcade parade that everyone considers as excellent and the "must" of this new Halloween season.

The music, the floats, the dynamism of the characters, everything is joyful in this Cavalcade parade which is also equipped for nighttime. Have a look at the pictures below and don't miss the video of the full parade at the end!

And here is the video of this brand new Halloween Cavalcade parade!

See you soon for a new DLP update and in the meantime if you don't own yet the great Disneyland Paris book i remind you that you can now pre-order the ENGLISH "normal" edition at its best price ever for 55€  ( + 15€ shipping ), and this until October 31. Click on the picture below to learn more about it and how to order your copy and have a look too at the video showing the whole book!

NEW! : You can now pay for the book directly with your credit card through Paypal EVEN if you don't have a Paypal account! All you need to do is to send me an email with your order ( at: ) and i will ask Paypal to send you a payment request. You will receive an email from Paypal and by clicking on the link you'll be able to pay with your credit card on the Paypal website with no need to open a Paypal account if you don't have one! 

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

Pictures and video: copyright Max Fan - Dlrp Welcome

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