Sunday, June 22, 2014

DLP WDS Ratatouille Ride Press Event LIVE Blog - Now with New and Best On-Ride Video !


Hello everyone! There we are, it's the "D" Day for the Ratatouille ride with the press event happening all this week-end! I, unfortunately, and although DLP kindly invited me couldn't attend today's event but Max, DLPWelcome webmaster who cover everything Disneyland Paris for Disney and more - and who give us regularly the great DLP photo updates - is at the Press Event and i will post here the pictures as soon as he sent them for this Live Blog. So, stay tuned on D&M all day as in a few minutes i will start posting pics!

...more coming soon. Please note that the latest posted pictures are, for once, the ones on the top.

And let's end this LIVE Blog with our video D&M / DLPWelcome now ready, and so far it's the best video available!

Over 50 webmasters and DLP fans were at the WDS today to test the ride and here is a picture showing them all. Max is indicated by the arrow. Let's thanks him again for his precious help abd the great video above! 

Also note that the ride was in soft-opening to all WDS guests this afternoon until 7pm! So if you're coming to the park before July 10 make sure to check as the ride might be in soft-opening before official opening day!


Additional pictures of the Chez Remy restaurant, shot in another room than the previous one, and showing different theming.




Max is back from his first ride of Ratatouille and he loved it! Here is his comments about it:

"Compared to Transformers ( at Universal ) it's better! Transformers is "simply" a battle to save the planet, while here, we re-live the animated film by being not only an actor, but in addition to being reduced to the size of a rat, with differents traps and adventures...

During the chase sequence, you feel some fresh air current which increase the sensation of speed. The giant screens around us in each scene, makes the ride very immersive unlike similar rides at Universal who direct our gaze right in front, due to the high walls on each side of the vehicle. For these reasons, Ratatouille is, for me, a more successful experience that Transformers (unable to comment for Spider-Man that I've not yet ride). But, for me, each of these attractions are indeed among the best in the world."

Below, a first video of the ride posted on Youtube. If all went well, Max has filmed the ride too and later tonight we should have available on Youtube "our" video of the ride.

That's it, after having lunch, Max is going to do the ride and we'll have his feeling soon. In the meantime, here are pictures of the land, shot a few minutes ago!



Below, pictures of the shop "Souvenirs de Paris" - which strangely won't open before this fall - and the building nearby where are located the rest rooms.



...and here are pictures of the dishes: entrance "vegetable seasonal salad", main course " beef filet, pont-neuf potatoes and ratatouille, cheese "brie de Meaux" and dessert "giant profiterolles, vanilla ice cream"!






Here is the menu of Bistro Chez Remy, in french and english!



It's lunch time in Paris, so Max is now having lunch at Bistrot Chez Remy!





Max is in the park and the sky is blue! For sure it'll be a great day for shooting pictures if the weather remain the same all day long!


Arrival at the WDS entrance... The park tickets have changed! The new ones have the Ratatouille visual printed on it !!!


Arrival at the medias check-in ( if i can say ) for the press event where they give to journalists, webmasters and photographers all infos, free entrance ticket, goodies, etc...



1 comment:

  1. Dominique Mol ( 22, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    Many ask themselves how it is possible that the store won't open together with the ride. The reason is that the store didn't get a green light when the ride and the restaurant did. So at first there would't be a store. It wasn't after they started on the ride and the restaurant that they received a green light on the budget for the store.. so that's why they are not able to finish it on time to open together with the restaurant.


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