Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WDS Ratatouille Press Event Full Pictorial Report - Part Two

Here we go for the part two of this big pictorial report on the Ratatouille press event which happened that week-end, thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster.

This time we'll have a closer look at the "Bistrot Chez Remy", the restaurant located both at the entrance and the exit of the ride as riders can see it after the unload. As you will see the theming is stunning and DLP Imagineers instead to reproduce the classic restaurant of Gusteau as you see it in the movie choose to create a restaurant as it would be done if it was own by Remy and his friends, which mean that here too you had the feeling to be reduce at the size of a rat with giant plates, forks, flowers, etc... In fact the design of Bistro Chez Remy is inspired by the last scene of the ride.

The entrance and decorated hallway...

According to Max, "The service is simply perfect, served with style and very "French" with an organized brigade. The menu fits comfortably in your hand, with a very classy leather touch and thick pages. During our visit the menu was unique and without choice to facilitate the organization and flow in the kitchen.
You should know that Disney expect it to be a high attendance restaurant, with people staying around 50-minute at table. Us, taking our time we stayed 1heures 45 as the theming is unique and the food was excellent!"

Here is Max video showing the restaurant if you haven't watched it yet, and i tell you more about the menu and prices right after it.

As i'm sure you're curious to know more about the menu here it is in french and english, with prices including for the drinks. Click on the pictures to read it in large size.

...and here are pictures of the dishes: entrance "vegetable seasonal salad", main course " beef filet, pont-neuf potatoes and ratatouille, cheese "brie de Meaux" and dessert "giant profiterolles, vanilla ice cream"!

And here ends this article about Bistrot Chez Remy and last Sunday's press event. Max will be back soon with a new DLP update and in the meantime don't miss the special offer price on the great Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book - for both ENGLISH or FRENCH editions!  Thanks to this special offer you will save $50 on the normal price, so if you don't own the book yet i'm sure you don't want to miss it! Paypal and credit card payments are accepted, so make sure you to place your order now! 

You can use the Paypal buttons below for the english edition, or for the french edition. 
If you don't have a Paypal account you can also pay directly with your credit card with these buttons without opening a Paypal account. If it don't works please send me an email at:

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Don't know yet the Disneyland Paris book? Have a look at the video below or on the book website HERE.

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - DLPWelcome


  1. LOVE the bouchon chairs!

  2. Marco Antonio GarciaJune 26, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    For me it was a great opportunity lost to do a nice French restaurant with a Gusteau theme.

    Ratatouille is all about the food, about Haute Cuisine, and a quick service restaurant, where one has to eat and leave the table fast, it's just the opposite of the French Haute Cuisine concept.

    I understand that they want to have as many people eating there as possible to make as much money as possible, but I still think that it's a lost opportunity for the park.

    EPCOT has many very nice restaurants, Disney Hollywood Studios has the nice Brown Derby, CA Adventure has the Carthay Circle, Disneyland the Blue Bayou and Club 33...; why can't DSP, which is in France, the land of nice and relaxed eating, have one?

    The theming is well done and I like themed restaurants, but the concept of eating in a place where you're shrunk to the size of a rat is just "too much theming" for me, too, what can I say, maybe childish.

    Nevertheless, I loved the rest of the land!

  3. The overall themeing of the restaurant, ride, and land overall is ridiculously awesome. For example, the "wear" on the giant forks is amazing, and the attention to detail with every little - and big - thing is really amazing. It looks really fun.

    That being said - while I have not seen it in person - I would have to agree with Marco.

    To me, the movie was about finding and developing your passion to the greatest level of sophistication - here, respecting it in food and in life.

    I know this is a theme park, but to me it would've made more sense if a small eatery (quick service) was themed as Remy's, and a larger sit-down restaurant was Gusteau's.


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