Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rumor: Will Avengers 3 Be a Two Part Movie?

How to make even more money with the next Avengers movie? By cutting it in half! A strong rumor about Avengers 3 comes from Daily Marvelite, saying that Avengers 3 will be a two part movie just like, for instance, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows or others like the last Twilight. All the movies who did it have doubled their money by splitting the movie in two, and as we've heard in the past from different sources that a showdown with Thanos is not going to happen until a fourth Avengers film there might be some truth in this rumor...

And, considering that the first Avengers did more than $1.5 Billion in 2012 and that Avengers 3 surely will be a highly awaited movie, will Disney resist to make the double bingo? Although this two part Avengers 3 is still only a rumor - so take it with a pinch of salt - I wouldn't bet on that...

By the way, it still need to be confirmed but it seems that the first trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron may be attached to Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, to be released next month!

Picture: copyright Marvel


  1. I'm a bit confused about this article / rumour. Is it the 2nd Avengers movie (Age of Ultron) that is going to be a two part? Or the 3rd one (which has not a title yet)?

  2. Sorry, i did a mistake and did an editing. It's of course Avengers 3 that is rumored to be in two part, and not Avengers 2 : Age of Ultron!


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