Thursday, May 5, 2016

New Shanghaî Disneyland Commercial !

Guess what, i just finished the edit of a new Shanghaî Disneyland commercial! But this new Shanghaî Disneyland commercial is a home made "non-official" one. The official commercial released one month ago was a perfect corporate commercial, with great production, etc... but didn't show Shanghaî Disneyland park. So, i thought it would be great to create a new commercial in which you have both beautiful aerial footage of the park as well as a presentation of the main attractions. All this with great Disney music behind the images! Enjoy!

This video was edited using different officials or non officials footage, the rights belong to the filmmakers or Disney.


  1. Well done Alaine! It's a beautiful commercial!

  2. Thousands of people already visiting and the park isn't even open yet, even if most of these pre-opening visitors can't afford to actually go in, the park looks awesome and looks to be a winner. I hope the naysayers are wrong.


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