Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Shanghaî Disneyland Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue Full Ride Video ! - Now Edited With a Second HD Video !

At last a video of the SDL Tomorrowland Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue full ride. Filmed by Matthew Finnemore, the one who did the great POTC video, the filming is okay but a bit less good than his previous videos as he didn't resisted to fire with the laser gun at the same time. As about the ride itself, i have a mixed opinion about it as i'm not sure it's better than the regular version of the Buzz Lightyear ride we know, probably because too many "ennemies" look the same, at least from what i can see on the video...

Edit: We've got a second full ride video for SDL Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue and, although Matthew Eberle who filmed it was shooting with a laser gun at the same time, it's a better quality video than the one above, which is already of good quality. Still not 100% what i'd like to see of the ride - camera centered a bit too much on the target and not enough big shots of the whole rooms - but i 'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Video: copyright Matthew Finnemore, Matthew Eberle

Artwork: copyright Disney - Shendi


  1. So it wasn't in the budget to have an audio-animatronic Buzz Lightyear in the queue? Again overreliance on film/video and projection. The more I see of Shanghai Disneyland the less intrigued I am to go there.

  2. I think I like this better than the version in California. I like the visual style a lot more. It seems much more refined and well thought out, and I like that it takes inspiration from the opening of Toy Story 2. I think the other versions fall short because they're supposed to be toys coming to life, so everything looks a bit too cartoony. But this one seems to just be going with the premise that Buzz is a space ranger and we're going along with him on one of his adventures.

    My only complaints would be that too many of the enemies look the same, like you said, and that far too many of the targets are simply just static. But overall, I think I still prefer this version. Nice job, Disney!

  3. Shanghai is getting top quality rides, like the ones in Tokyo Disney Sea and Mystic Manor in Hong Kong. Disneyland got static figures (or I should say moving static figures) on their Peter Pan redo, an uninspired Little Mermaid ride and (going back a few years) the worst versions of Winnie the Pooh and Tower of Terror. Epcot is getting a Frozen make over and a third Soarin theater, and Hollywood studios (in the short term) is getting a third Toy Story Mania track. Not much compared to what Shanghai is getting.

    When Tokyo Disney Sea first opened, fans in the states didn't know the difference. Now with the internet, they know. People may still pack the parks, but it won't be long before Disney alienates it's domestic customers. There is a place in the states that has Shanghai and Tokyo quality rides, and that place is Universal. Disney can't just open Star Wars and Avatar, they need to go back and upgrade all the rides that are sub par. They can start with Buzz Lightyear.

  4. Geez, Annonymous, do you have to rub it in every post?


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