Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Annie Awards : Didier Ghez, Historian of Disney Animation and Co-Author of the Disneyland Paris Book Is Awarded the June Foray Award !

A great news for my friend Didier Ghez, Historian of Disney Animation and co-author with me of the Disneyland Paris book as well as editor of the great "Walt's People" book series and also the "They Drew as they Pleased" book series about Disney Animation: The Annie Awards- the Academy Awards of animation - has announced this year’s slate of recipients for its Juried Awards honoring career achievement and exceptional contributions to animation and Didier is being awarded the June Foray Award - the award for significant and benevolent or charitable impact on the art and industry of animation!

This is truly a fully deserved award for Didier who has dedicated a big part of his life to Disney Animation and i'm sincerely very happy for him! The official ceremony will happen on February 3, 2018 in Los Angeles and in the meantime if you want to congratulate him you can do it on his Facebook page HERE.

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