Sunday, May 20, 2018

Why DLP WDS Tower of Terror Will Be in Refurbishment Starting May 26

As announced at DLP InsideEars event last Friday, starting May 26 Walt Disney Studios Tower of Terror will enter in a big refurbishment of the facades, but the attraction will apparently remain open for DLP WDS guests. You can relax, it's not because they intend to change the TOT facade with a Guardians of Galaxy theme.

It's simply because the facades, as you will see on the pictures below shot by Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster, are in truly bad condition, with multiple cracks at several places and for part of it the concrete is even hold by safety nets to avoid it to fall down. The installation of scaffolding has began and a themed tarp will cover the entire tower!

Yes, the facades condition is THAT bad, so you'll understand that it is about time to take care about the problem before something really bad happen. Be patient, WDS Tower of Terror will be back soon in all its glory!

Pictures: copyright DLP Welcome

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Thank you for your great articles!

    I would like to add that if ToT's facades are in this so bad condition, this is not because of Disney but because of the contractor and its very poorly quality. Disney was prosecuted the contractor that neglected the job for which it was payed for. As for expertise and insurance reasons, Disney couldn't touch anything, at the risk of canceling the guarantees. Now Disney has won, insurance has funded the works that will be starting. I'm glad Disney did not give up and went through the process.


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