Monday, October 12, 2015

New Shanghaî Disneyland Enchanted Storybook Castle Pictures

We'll start the week just like we ended the previous one, with new Shanghaî Disneyland pictures! And these were shots, according to the Chinese agency on October 9, so two days ago. As you'll see above and below more scaffoldings have been removed from SDL Enchanted Storybook Castle. See you soon with more SDL pictures so stay tuned on Disney and more!

Pictures: copyright Xinhua.


  1. The upper part of the Castle almost has an Eastern look to it.

  2. Wow - I can really see it coming together. I wonder if anyone has any timeline pictures of other Disney parks/attractions and the various stages of completion? Would be useful to see them at 6 months prior to completion...

  3. Fellow Disneyphiles-

    I have been quite excited to see this castle being a disney fan, but even more, a castle effectionado in both real life and at the parks.

    I am actually glad we DON”T have this one in WDW. I find it disappointing, even though it’s probably perfect and appropriate for a Chinese disney. To me, it looks all too much like an oversized, 5-story box with a bunch of gouche “castle-esque” ornamentation stuck onto it.
    If someone told me it was some oligarch’s uninspired, tasteless, “McMansion” to the nth power. I would not be stunned. The palpable sense if whimsy the WDW castle achieves–and eternally inspires–is fully absent. The wide-eyed, sentimental beauty of Disneyland was never part of this place’s influences and it has none of that. But it seems to me all those negative descriptions I mentioned, will profoundly appeal to the Chinese, based on how their culture seems to be evolving. Possibly the Imagineeers HAVE hit their mark! It’s just not the mark we put up!


    Let me say this…it looks a lot more Chambord than Neuschwanstein.
    I think that sums it up for castle-o-philes!


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