This is THE attraction that everybody is waiting for at Paris Magic Kingdom : Indiana Jones Adventure and the temple of the forbidden eye. All DLP fans know that the room to built it have been kept in Adventureland, but the hope to see it built one day is sometime vanishing...
Well, as you will see on the document below, the imagineers not only have think about it, but already did some blueprints. Although this one was probably done many years ago, when the park will decide to built it - translate: when they will have the money to do it - you can be sure that all WDI imagineers will be happy to create this beloved attraction at DLP.
To say the truth, all the imagineers that i happen to meet among those years , all agree that bringing Indiana Jones Adventure at DLP will not only be one of the best choice - in terms of attraction - that DLP management could make, but, also, that it will be an instant hit among DLP visitors.
Yes, but.....the main problem is the price : Indiana Jones Adventure is a VERY expensive attraction , and - this is an important point - the maintenance cost of the attraction is - or at least was - very high, too. And you must never forget that maintenance costs at DLP are already very high.
How much is the cost of Indiana Jones Adventure ? Frankly, i don't know the real price, but not less than 150 millions of dollars, may be more, now.
Now, i don't know if DLP is paying the new atttractions at WDI in dollars or in euros, but if it's in dollars, with the change rate between the dollar and the euro, it will be a pretty good deal for the park's management to order to WDI an Indiana Jones Adventure right now!
To come back to the document, you will see that the building envisioned for Indiana Jones Adventure will take a big part of the land still available in Adventureland, with its back wall close to the Pirates of Caribbean building.
It seems, too, that the entrance will be through another small temple - like in Anaheim - located in front of the "Temple du péril".

To give you a better idea, here is a satellite view of the park with the blueprint upon it, and it's more easy to locate exactly where will be what, if one day the park built it.

Later this month another big E-ticket will open at the Walt Disney Studios : the Tower of terror. Although the TOT is cheaper than Indiana Jones Adventure, for DLP its cost is really important. So don't expect another big E-ticket before the 20th anniversary in 2012. But if DLP management want to do a good choice for this future celebration, "Indiana Jones Adventure and the temple of the forbidden eye" will not only be a good one, but simply the BEST choice they could make.
Photos and document : copyright Disney