Saturday, October 19, 2013

Space Mountain Graphic Novel to be Released May 2014

Believe it or not but a 176 pages graphic novel inspired by Disneyland beloved attraction Space Mountain will be released May 2014. The graphic novel will be written by Spider-Man writer Bryan Q. Miller and illustrated by Batman artist Kelley Jones and Hi-Fi Design. 

Space Mountain story is described as "the story of two kids, a miniature flying saucer and dangerous mission twenty-four hours into a twisted tomorrow." Here is the synopsis: The year is 2125 and the Magellan Science Academy has given two lucky cadets ‘golden tickets’ to join a team of space explorers on a special field trip to journey 24 hours into the future. But when their mission goes unexpectedly wrong, the two kids must band together with a miniature flying saucer sidekick to save themselves and their crew — and return to Space Mountain — before time runs out and the universe is destroyed!

Space Mountain, is currently available for pre-order HERE , will be available on May 6, 2014 in both hardcover and paperback editions, and is the first of a trilogy with "Return to Space Mountain" to be released in 2015 and "Battle for Space Mountain" in 2016.

Pictures: copyright Disney Publishing

Friday, October 18, 2013

DL and WDW Merchandise Dept Finally Release Attraction Posters Calendar

It took them almost sixty years to release a DL or WDW calendar with Disney parks attraction posters but DL and WDW merchandise dept finally had the good idea to do it.

For each month of the year you'll find a selection of twelve different attraction posters and the good news is that each of them are 12" x 18" ( 30 cm x 45 cm ) and can be removed from the calendar if you wish to frame them!

You can see on the picture above which posters have been chosen for each park and if you don't live in South Cal or Florida chances are that you can order them through DL or WDW mail order service.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Shanghaî Disneyland Goes "Vertical" With the Installation of the First Steel Column !

More news about Shanghaî Disneyland construction as the building of the Shanghai Disney Resort saw a milestone Thursday with the installation of the first steel column. This marks the completion of the majority of the foundation work and the official beginning of the vertical construction, said Howard Brown, senior vice president and project development executive of Shanghai Disney Resort.

"The construction team has been working very hard at the build site since groundbreaking and we are excited to see the progress every day," Brown said. With the majority of foundation work complete, work has shifted to substructure construction to support the construction of buildings and infrastructure, the company said.

Over 23,000 concrete piles have been installed, and the amount of structural steel needed for the overall resort could reach 72,000 metrics tons, Disney said. The resort will initially include Shanghai Disneyland, a Magic Kingdom-style park, two themed hotels, a large retail, dining and entertainment venue, recreational facilities, a lake and parking and transportation hubs, the company said.

"This is a really exciting moment for everyone working on this project, and for Shanghai," said Mike Crawford, general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. The resort is scheduled to open at the end of 2015." 

This first steel column as you'll see on the video below was even "signed" to commemorate the event so i suppose it's now a "collector"!


Pictures: copyright Disney - Shendi

"Glow With the Show" Ears Debut at WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Fantasmic!

So, last night, these "Glow with the show" ears were introduced at WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios' Fantasmic! show - and will also debut this Saturday at WDW Magic Kingdom "Celebrate the Magic" nighttime projection show and "Wishes" fireworks.

Is it really a good idea or is it the prototype of the right wrong idea? Personally and although i know that these "ears" technology works well i think it's a right wrong idea - except for Disney of course as it brings some cash in. Why? Because the lighting and projection effects of the shows were not designed with these glowing ears in mind. And if you're not in the first row but far behind you now have all these glowing ears in front of your eyes and i'm pretty sure that it spoils the concentration on the show itself.

I may be wrong and i know that audiences can like easily anything which shine - or in this case, glow - but as they say everything which shine is not necessary "gold". That said, have a look at the video below to see by yourself how it looks with the DHS Fantasmic show.

Picture and video: copyright DIsney

Frozen "Full" Trailer !

This new Frozen "full" trailer will tell you more about the story line and specially the Elsa character who, after all,  is the one who is freezing everything she touch! Go ahead and have a look!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shanghaî Disneyland Dining and Entertainment Area Map , and more

Luke, from Luke and the Temple of Fun has posted a great find, i.e an official map of what will be the dining, shopping and entertainment area right outside Shanghaî Disneyland park ( a bit like Disney village at DLP or Downtown Disney at DL ). As you will see on the map apparently SDL imagineers will pay tribute to the chinese vision of the world with the "sky" on top , the lake as "water" element and forest in between for the "earth" element. Chinese for sure will appreciate this tribute to China's energetic vision of the world.

You'll note also that there will be movie theaters with access to them both directly from the parking lot on the left or from the entertainment area and also a World of Disney store as well as a "theater" with a show which remain unknown yet. Also interesting you'll note a Club 33 which will be located in the middle of Mickey's Avenue - SDL "Main Street" - and on the left hand side, more or less exactly where at DLP is the Walt's Restaurant - also inspired by DL Club 33. So, yes, i think we can bet there will be a Club 33 at SDL whether it'll be a restaurant for everyone or a private club.

Definitely jump to Luke's page for more explanations about this map as Luke tell you more about the chinese mythology included in this map, and more. It's right HERE.

Always about SDL the official website released in good definition the picture of a CGI model of SDL castle with this explanation about the technique used: 

"As construction of the Shanghai Disney Resort continues on its theme park and associated facility development, innovative new design and technology practices are being used in guiding the development work of the resort, including Building Information Modeling (BIM) project management techniques. These practices assist in maximizing efficiencies in the design and construction phase, and ensure overall coordination of the resort development, targeted to open at the end of 2015. The images released by Shanghai Disney Resort Management Company today illustrate the BIM process for the Enchanted Storybook Castle, the iconic central attraction of the Shanghai Disneyland, the resort's theme park. Through the precise simulation of construction using BIM software, the design team can determine the best design scheme for the many buildings and infrastructure which comprise the resort, then integrate construction schedules to improve operational design features and minimize consumption of construction material to reduce impact on the environment".

Pictures: copyright Disney - Shendi

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don't miss these great articles about DAK's Avatar Land !

Editor's Note: No update today on D&M - hey, you had two yesterday! - but i'll be back tomorrow with a new one. In the meantime don't miss Jim Hill latest article in which Jim is back with plenty of insider infos that for sure will interest you - well, if you want to know why Oriental Land said "no" to cars Land, why it's may be not sure yet that a Speeder Bike ride will be part of Disneyland Star Wars land, why Lord of the Rings won't come to Disney Parks or why the announcement of Avatar Land was done at Japan D23 Expo, and much more. Don't miss Jim article, really, it's right HERE.

And while you're out also don't miss Kevin Yee's today's update on Mice Chat as Kevin unveil some hints hidden inside Avatar Land artwork! Kevin's article is right HERE.

Never two without three as they say, so don't miss too Honor Hunter's update on Blue Sky Disney in which Honor explain you why Avatar land will be when it will open like Cars Land at DCA : the land that everyone will come to see! Honor's article is right HERE.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fantastic WDI Video Shows James Cameron, Joe Rhode and WDI Imagineers working on Avatar Land, New Concept-arts, and more !

Wow-ow, Disney Parks has released for D23 Japan a fantastic video showing James Cameron and WDI Imagineers working on Avatar Land! This is the very first insight that you will have in the hyper-secret design of the "World of Pandora" that Imagineers will recreate at Animal Kingdom. And there is even some new artworks shown inside the video!

So, it's time to have a closer look at what this great video is showing us thanks to enhanced screen captures that i did for you. Definitely click on each image to see them in big size!

The video starts with James Cameron talking from the performance capture stage where he actually shoot scenes for one of the THREE upcoming Avatar sequels - if you have a closer look you'll even be able to see one of the scenes of the new movie! Cameron say how delighted he is to work with WDI Imagineers and, wishing the best to guests of D23 Expo Japan, he add that Lightstorm and WDI share a same deep commitment to create an unparalleled immersive environment for the Avatar land.

Then, Imagineer Joe Rhode  appear - picture on top - and describes more precisely what guests will experience at Animal Kingdom Avatar Land and how the land will "come to life" when you'll interact with it and will seems to be a living creature itself. Joe Rhode also say how the project will be filled with new technology, new style, new materials, and is a tremendous tour de force to achieve what they thought was impossible, a recreation of the world of Pandora. The video last 3.35 minutes and during this time here are the great shots that you can see in the video that you will find of course at the end of this article.

First, there is shots of a meeting at WDI with James Cameron, Bob Iger, Tom Staggs, Joe Rhode and others WDI Imagineers in a room with a model of Avatar land...

You've note the two Navi's statue in the background, i suppose. Here is a closer shot of the same meeting.

Always during the same meeting there is another interesting shot with Joe Rhode talking to James Cameron in a room where are displayed on the walls unseen Avatar land renderings!!

Talking about renderings the video shows two new artworks starting by this first impressive one below showing a daylight view of the land on a new angle.

Now you remember this other beautiful artwork unveiled last Saturday, always showing the land by daylight...

Well, thanks to the video you can discover how will look exactly the same scene at night!

And as we talk of night scenes the video also do an interesting zoom on the boat ride artwork that you saw Saturday, proving that there will be six guests by boat in case you didn't noticed it yet.

Where things become extremely interesting is when the video shows James Cameron, Joe Rhode and others looking at a test of what seems to be the movie for the flight simulator ride, not the final version of the movie, of course.

When you look at the video it seems that the platform from which they look at the movie is moving but in fact it's not, it's the movie itself which gives this feeling.

Others greats shot also show James Cameron testing the creation of WDI Imagineers to reproduce the bioluminescent vegetation of Pandora.

And another sequence shows Cameron with Joe Rhode looking at a movie which also seems to be related to Pandora's vegetation.

The icing on the top of the cake comes with this incredible shot showing the whole team of WDI  Imagineers working on the Avatar land, the most secret team of all WDI! 

And now, as i know you're dying to watch the video here it is, of course watch it in full screen mode!

Pictures and video: copyright Disney

Disneyland Paris Update Part 3 : DLP Halloween Cavalcade Parade

Here is the second part of the DLP Halloween Update and this time - thanks to Max Fan, D&M contributor and Dlrp Welcome webmaster - it's all about the brand new Halloween Cavalcade parade that everyone considers as excellent and the "must" of this new Halloween season.

The music, the floats, the dynamism of the characters, everything is joyful in this Cavalcade parade which is also equipped for nighttime. Have a look at the pictures below and don't miss the video of the full parade at the end!

And here is the video of this brand new Halloween Cavalcade parade!

See you soon for a new DLP update and in the meantime if you don't own yet the great Disneyland Paris book i remind you that you can now pre-order the ENGLISH "normal" edition at its best price ever for 55€  ( + 15€ shipping ), and this until October 31. Click on the picture below to learn more about it and how to order your copy and have a look too at the video showing the whole book!

NEW! : You can now pay for the book directly with your credit card through Paypal EVEN if you don't have a Paypal account! All you need to do is to send me an email with your order ( at: ) and i will ask Paypal to send you a payment request. You will receive an email from Paypal and by clicking on the link you'll be able to pay with your credit card on the Paypal website with no need to open a Paypal account if you don't have one! 

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

Pictures and video: copyright Max Fan - Dlrp Welcome

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thoughts on HKDL Iron Man Experience...

Here are some thoughts on the HKDL Iron Man Experience simulator ride as someone on Mice Age - who reposted all in one my three articles you saw last week - asked how the Iron Man ride could be a simulator ride more advanced than Star Tours.

In fact, where they could have a more advanced simulator ride - if we except a new and smoother generation of simulators - would be to have everything that Star Tours have PLUS in-theater effects. For instance they did in Storm Rider at TDS in-theater effects with a missile - supposedly launched by us and which comes back "in boomerang" because of the hurricane - which suddenly upsurge INSIDE the shuttle, as well as rain effect always inside the simulator - yes, it's really raining upon guests in Storm Rider! For the Iron Man ride WDI could create different kind of in-theater effects but what i'm saying is that we could have at the end something which could be a mix of Star Tours 2 for his digital / 3D / random scenes technology with Storm Rider for its in theater effects...

And, talking about rain effect, guess what? If we look at this other rendering supposedly showing a scene of the ride we can see storm lightning in the sky. And generally, when there is lightning, rain is not far...

If you've never ride Storm Riders watch the video below. It'll be hard to see the rain effect but at 3.15 min you'll see the upsurge of the missile in the shuttle - although it's better to watch the video from the start to understand why this happen.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Theme Park Review

Round of Reshoots For Maleficent Movie

Bad news from the Maleficent movie - with Angelina Jolie playing Maleficent - as Disney decided a reshoot of opening scenes. Director Robert Stromberg, talented set designer who won Oscars for his production design on Alice in Wonderland and Avatar - and who is making here his first feature directorial debut - will still direct. 

But John Lee Hancock who directed the awaited "Saving Mr Banks" was asked to write the new scenes and will be on set with a supervisory role, although he won't take directing duties over Stromberg. "We asked him to be on set" said of Hancock Joe Roth, producer, "He's not directing. He wrote pages and as i hired a first time director it's good to have him on set". "The movie is gorgeous to look at and the last 75 minutes are really entertaining" added Roth.

The reshoots will take place over eight days and will not involve Angelina Jolie. So far the planned May 30, 2014 release date is still okay but obviously after the failure of John Carter and Lone Ranger Disney don't want to take any risk with another $200M movie. Let's just hope that they're taking the right decision with this reshooting...

Picture: copyright Disney