DLP arcades are also precious to escape the crowds at the end of the parades or night shows, and because Disneyland can be so packed i always wondered why they don't create the same arcades in Anaheim. The video below filmed recently by Max, D&M contributor, will show you why they don't, and the reason is simple: they don't have the room to do it. Specially on the left side of Main Street ( looking towards the Castle ) as Jungle Cruise is so close to the back of Main Steeet shops buildings.
Still, guests flow remain a problem at the end of parades or night shows and Disneyland had to do something so they opened the backstage path to guests for a limited time and this is what you will see in the video below, going from Disneyland Central Plaza to Town Square. You can see the "back of House", as they say, and even a bit of the back of Jungle Cruise.
When is this backstage path open? According to Max, at the end or during the parades, or when there is fireworks in addition to Fantasmic! or night parades ( all weekends of the year or all summer or during special nights). Or when Fantasmic! is finished and people are waiting for the fireworks, the backstage passage is open as Frontierland and Adventureland are basically completely packed during Fantasmic! This backstage path plays in fact the role that DLP arcades have. Does it hurt the "magic". Well, a little bit of course but DL guests are rationals, they understand why they open the backstage path and as it help to reach Town Square very quickly no one complain. They've even partly themed the backstage path with attraction posters! Have a look!

Video: Copyright DLP Welcome