Robert from Cologne,in Germany, is a Disney and more reader and was at Disneyland Paris on opening day, April 12, 1992. And he still have his collectible opening day ticket!
As he loved the Grand Opening show videos i've posted this week, he sent to me very kindly a beautiful photo of this highly collectible "opening day" ticket. If you were wondering how it looked, here it is!
Many thanks to Robert!
Opening day ticket: copyright Disney 1991
Thank you very much for providing the ticket, Robert (and Alain for posting it!).
I was there only two days later (14th of April) but my ticket is just the regular one they used back then. Very interesting to see this.
How could such a ticket be obtained back then? Could they be bought or was it only available on special invitation or something like that?
Everyone had the chance to buy tickets.We recieved ours on 19th December 91from "Euro Disney S.C.A,Ticket Service".We stayed at Hotel Cheyenne which we had booked in May 1991.
I was there with my best friend Thomas/Berlin who will also try to send me more info of our visit.Perhaps alain can use the info sometime.
je possède un ticket identique à celui-ci. Ces tickets avaient été venus et/ou offerts aux gros clients du groupe Disney, pile un an avant l'ouverture, c 'est a dire à partir du 12 avril 1991.
Evidemment, le ticket garde toute sa valeur s'il n'a pas ete utlisé et s'il possede encore son voucher numéroté.
Robert, my girlfriend at the time worked for Disney in Burbank, California, and my birthday is on April 12. Needless to say, I got one of these tix. Do you have any idea how much they will sell for?
I'm not selling, but I'm curious.
Deseo vender 2 entradas- passport originales de Disneyland-Paris el día de la apertura.
I have two of these that were never used as my mom and I were allowed in as employees.
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