Thanks to Michael20183 we have a new video update on HKDL Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Manor and this one is more interesting than ever not only because the works are going fast on these two lands but also because you'll see Imagineers at work on site.
Grizzly Gulch will be the first land to open this summer and i think we can expect the coaster ride to be in tests mode in a month or so. As you'll see on the pictures above and below and on the video new props are now in place on Grizzly Mountain and Grizzly Gulch buildings are getting painted.
As for Mystic Point which won't open before mid-2013 Mystic Manor is also partly painted and for now there are works all around the land. The reason why Mystic Manor building is painted now is because they expect to open a path between Toy Story Land and Grizzly Gulch to avoid to have two dead ends in this part of the park. So, HKDL guests will be able to go from one land to another even if works will still going on on Mystic Point.
You'll find more pictures on Michael's page HERE, and now it's time to watch his HKDL video update, excellent as always!
Pictures and video: copyright Michael20183
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