Saturday, October 17, 2015

Shanghaî Disneyland Tomorrowland New High-Res Artworks

Today's Shanghaî Disneyland update will show you new renderings for SDL Tomorrowland. All of them - as well as the Mickey Avenue visuals posted yesterday - are coming from the new Shanghaî Disneyland page. We'll start with this new Buzz Lightyear Planet Rescue rendering, and i repost below the one released recently.

And here is a great WDI video showing the inside of the ride!

Next are two new renderings for Jet Packs, including a night lighting version of the previous one released that i also repost below.

We also have a great high-res file of the artwork showing the TRON Lightcycles Power Run boarding room.

Three pictures - most probably shot at HKDL where the attraction also exist - for the Stitch Encounter attraction also have been released and here they are.

All pictures: copyright Disney - Shendi

Friday, October 16, 2015

Shanghaî Disneyland Mickey Avenue Facades Revealed

Shanghaî Disneyland Mickey Avenue will be the entrance street of the park, and will replace the usual Main Street U.S.A. We've seen previously some artwork or models but never before Mickey Avenue facades were revealed so clearly than on the two pictures below. The first picture below is a large panoramic showing the left side of the street, ending by the Carthay Theater on the side of SDL Gardens of Imagination.

And the next picture shows the right side of Mickey Avenue. In this case the last building on the left is the one close to Gardens of Imagination. Definitely click on each picture to see them in full size so you'll be able to explore them in details.

Pictures: copyright Disney, Shendi

Tokyo Disney Sea Lost River Delta Mystic Rythms Show

Tokyo Disney Sea Mystic Rythms closed last April at Lost River Delta and will be replace soon by a brand new show. It was also the TDS show that was the less talked about which is kind of odd as it was a very unique show for a Disney theme park. No Disney characters in it, no direct relation with a Disney movie, it was a really poetic show and may i suggest that you (re)discover it thanks to the video below uploaded on Youtube by Nikko P.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Disneyland Paris Halloween 2015 Pictorial Update by Maureen

Here we go for a new Disneyland Paris pictorial update thanks to beautiful pictures by Maureen, D&M contributor and webmaster of the Hello Disneyland website. I did a selection of pics from Maureen article but there is dozens more to discover in the full article HERE.

We'll start by Town Square and Main Street U.S.A, and this year many of the ghosts who were placed last year on Main Street roofs or balcony are placed closer to the ground so DLP guests can enjoy them even better.

Let's move to Central Plaza to enjoy the Hallloween Cavalcade!

At Le Théatre du Chateau the new Disney villains show is not really a show but more a presentation of the villains before they come down to meet and greet with guests.

In Sleeping Beauty Castle courtyard Maléfice is back with its brambles bush, and if you think that some of them have the shape of a dragon it's probably not a coincidence...

Direction: Frontierland to check this year's Halloween theming with the inevitable pumpkin men ...or women!

Even DLP Disney Village has some Halloween theming!

Again, there is as many others pictures of DLP Halloween available in Maureen full article so make sure to visit her site HERE.

See you soon for a new DLP update but in the meantime i remind you that the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book is still available but may be not for long as the stock is very low now, so if you don't own yet this beautiful book, it's really better to order it now.

Price for one copy in English updated edition or French Collector's edition is 75€ + 15€ shipping worldwide. You can order the book easily by sending me an email at:

Paypal, bank transfer or credit card payment are accepted. If you want to pay with Paypal you can also send directly the 90 euros to:

As the Euro is iterally crashing since months it also mean that the book is now at its best price ever for our American friends! It really is the best time ever to order the book as you save money too thanks to the Euro / $US change rate!

To order your copy just send me an email at: and specify if you want an english or french edition.

Note: If you want to order a French edition don't use the Paypal button below which seems, for unknown reasons, to don't work for an order of french copies ( the Paypal button works fine for an order of English copies ). If it don't work send me an email or send directly the 75€ from your Paypal account to:

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality - Include shipping

And if you don't know the book, don't miss the video below showing each page of the book!

Pictures: copyright Maureen - Hello Disneyland

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

At Last the Truth About the Disneyland Australia Project

Six years ago i've posted here on Disney and more an article titled "Disneyland Australia : Finally, it was not a mirage", showing that there has been for real a project to build a Disneyland down under. And the rendering above was so far the only one available to show - in the background - a Disney Magic Kingdom. Why it never happened remained a mystery ...until now as thanks to a great article from Ann Moore in the Gold Coast Bulletin we finally know the truth.

Ann did an interview of Developer Gordon McAlister at his Runaway Bay home, and Gordon was the one who was behind the Disneyland Australia plan. As Ann says, it is a secret chapter in Gold Coast history as the park was envisioned to be build at Australia Gold Coast, on the East of Australia, in Queensland, South of Brisbane.

The day the project died “was a bitter blow,” says Gordon McAlister - who was behind the original Jupiters Casino development in the early 1980s, the creator of the SeaWorld Nara Resort and Brisbane’s Treasury Casino. And guess because of who it died? That's right, Michael Eisner.

Gordon McAlister explain what happened during the talks with Disney in the 1990's, after DLP opening: "The president of Disney theme parks absolutely loved the plan. He was really our No. 1 fan. He liked that culturally we were so similar to where Disney has come from,” he said. Disney executives flew to the Gold Coast a number of times, scouting the site and laying plans. We were so far down the line, we had all the impressions drawn up, the site mapped out, the land optioned. We had the state and federal governments on our side and it all just fell at the final hurdle.

“We got to the last meeting in Burbank, California, when Michael Eisner stepped in and said ‘No, I want to go to China’.

“That was it, he was the boss. He wanted Disney dollars in China, he was looking at Disney as a whole corporation, not just a theme park. And that’s how Hong Kong got a Disneyland instead.

“We got that close.”

So, the day this international meeting was held to turn a 810ha Coomera plot into a world centre of tourism, became the day that Disneyland Australia died. There won't be a Magic Kingdom at the Gold Coast.

Gordon McAlister said he is still hopeful Disney would one day open an Australian-based park:
“The impact that Disneyland would have had on the Gold Coast is almost unimaginable,” he said. “Orlando was in the middle of nowhere when Disneyworld was built, but look at it now. That could have been our story too.

“We estimated about five million visitors each year, which is small for Disney but huge for us. That was one of the arguments against us, that we would be too small — and yet that’s exactly what Hong Kong Disney turns over.

“Many Asian tourists would prefer to come here to do Disney than Tokyo or Hong Kong, and it would be a deciding factor for a lot of tourists from farther afield — the cherry on top that wins them over."

Let's hope it will happen one day and that our friends down under will finally have a Disney Magic Kingdom. In the meantime, there is much more to learn about the whole story in the Gold Coast Bulletin full article so make sure to jump to Ann Moore full article HERE to finally learn the whole story on this Disneyland Australia that never was.

Picture: copyright Disney, Scott Fletcher