It is extremely rare to say when you've finished reading a book that this is one that will be impossible to outdone, but Marc Davis in His Own Words: Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks is a book - so big that it needed two volumes put inside a slipcase - which is THE book about Imagineering that you've always dream to find and thought it would never happen. Let me say it straight: "Marc Davis in His Own Words: Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks" in an absolutely fantastic book which includes everything - and i mean EVERYTHING - that Marc Davis had done during his long career at Walt Disney Imagineering.

This 700+ pages book include ALL the artworks that Marc Davis did for attractions concepts for Disney theme parks - including for attractions that were never realized . It’s definitely a not-to-be-missed book, and certainly the best Christmas gift for a Disney theme parks fan, and i'm not kidding. It is such an awesome book that most probably we will never see again a book as great as this one in terms of WDI concept-arts. There is around 1500 artworks in the book, which is just phenomenal. Believe me, you truly don’t want to miss this book!
The two volumes book cost normally $150 but i just saw that right NOW you can get it on Amazon for $79.86 which is an even better deal than what i paid for it during the pre-order period. You should jump on the Amazon offer, really. It’s right HERE.
A bit more about the book which was done by Oscar-winning filmmaker Pete Docter and veteran Walt Disney Imagineer Christopher Merritt to celebrate Marc Davis work. The two volumes showcase Marc's mostly unseen Disney theme park concept art and offer a unique behind-the-scenes view as told through Marc's own words. Check out below pictures of the contents pages showing the different book chapters.

On February 16, 1962, Marc Davis officially transitioned from Walt Disney Feature Animation to Disney's new division of the company: WED Enterprises, the group assembled to design Walt's new theme parks. The move would be a significant one. After thirty-plus years animating classic Disney features, Marc would become one of the most renowned of Walt Disney's new breed of employee-Imagineers.

During Marc's time with WED (later Walt Disney Imagineering), he would become a driving force behind the designs of many of the most iconic attractions at the Disney theme parks. Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, it's a small world, Jungle Cruise, Country Bear Jamboree, and many others feature environments and storylines that were heavily influenced by his conceptual artwork.

Featuring work from the sixties through the eighties, this two-volume set includes more than 1,500 pieces from the Imagineering archives, the vast majority of which have never been published. In addition, for the first time Marc's design theories as well as many of his stories of working with Walt are featured in his own words as recorded during hours upon hours of interviews by author Chris Merritt. Marc Davis in His Own Words is a treasure trove for artists, students, and Disney collectors around the world.

ImagiNERDing has posted on Youtube a great video showing the inside of this absolutely fantastic book, that you can watch below. Again, HERE is the Amazon link to get it at the fantstic price of $79.86 ( instead of $150 ), and by using this link you'll also bring your support to Disney and more, so thanks to use this link when you order the book.
Pictures: copyright Disney