Saturday, April 12, 2008

Disney and more 2008 Contest Answers and Winners !

That's it, the Disney and more 2008 Contest is now over and now is the time for what you're all waiting for, i.e the answers and who are the winners!

First, i want to thank all of you who participated to this not-so-easy contest. Some questions were really hard, but that's part of the game, if they were easy, it won't be fun!

Among all of you who did researchs to find the good answers and sent me an email with your answers, only TWO have found the good answers to all the questions, and so the winners are:

Paul Poubanne who win the first prize, a signed copy of the rare collector’s edition of the Disneyland Paris “from sketch to reality” book.

and Thomas Frederiksen who win a signed copy of the regular edition of the Disneyland Paris “from sketch to reality” book.

Congratulations to them!

And now, here are the answers to the contest. From that point the text will be both in english and in french language.

Et voici les réponses. A partir de maintenant le texte sera à la fois en français et en anglais.

Question 1: In Main Street station, before the arrival of the train, we can hear a announcement ( “ your attention, please...etc ”) . What is the name of the imagineer who did the voice?

Quel est le nom de l’imagineer dont on entend la voix dans le message diffusé dans la gare de Main Street avant que le train n’arrive?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Eddie Sotto

Eddie Sotto was the show producer of Main Street

Eddie Sotto était le show producer de Main Street

Question 2: A project of an elevated tramway was considered for Main Street U.S.A, but never built. The concept was finally built in another Disney theme park. Which one?

Un projet de tramway surélevé avait été envisagé pour Main Street U.S.A, mais non retenu. Le concept fut finalement repris et construit dans un autre parc Disney. Lequel?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Tokyo Disney Sea

The elevated tramway is located in the American Waterfront of TDS.

Le tramway surélévé est situé dans le land American Waterfront de TDS.

Question 3: In Phantom Manor legend, the daughter of the owner of the manor didn’t get married as his future husband was killed by her father. What is the right name of the bride?

Dans la légende de Phantom Manor, la fille du propriétaire du manoir ne put jamais se marier car l’homme qu’elle devait épouser fut tué par son père.
Quel est le nom exact de la mariée ?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Mary Murphy Ravenswood

It was possible to find the answer in the articles of Jean de Lutèce on the Jim Hill media web site.

La réponse était trouvable dans les articles de Jean de Lutèce sur le site web de Jim Hill.

Question 4: In Big Thunder Mountain legend, the mountain, before being transformed in a gold mine, was a “sacred” mountain for an Indian tribe. What is the name of the indian tribe?

Dans la légende de Big Thunder Mountain, la montagne , avant qu’elle devienne une mine d’or était considérée comme sacrée par une tribu indienne. Quel est le nom de la tribu indienne?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : The Shoshonis

It was possible to find the answer in the articles of Jean de Lutèce on the Jim Hill media web site.

La réponse était trouvable dans les articles de Jean de Lutèce sur le site web de Jim Hill.

Question 5: The name “Lucky Nugget” of Frontierland saloon is related to a saloon which appear in a Disney movie produced in the 1960’s. What is the name of the movie?

Question 5: Le nom “Lucky Nugget” du saloon de Frontierland vient du nom d’un saloon qui figurait dans un film produit par Disney dans les années 60. Quel est le nom du film?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin

It was possible to find the answer in the articles of Jean de Lutèce on the Jim Hill media web site.

La réponse était trouvable dans les articles de Jean de Lutèce sur le site web de Jim Hill.

Question 6: The character of Molly Brown did exist for real, and she sailed on a famous liner. Which one?

Le personnage de Molly Brown a réellement existé et navigua sur un paquebot célèbre. Lequel?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Le Titanic

It was possible to find the answer in the articles in my book "From sketch to reality".

La réponse était trouvable dans mon livre "de l'esquisse à la création".

Question 7: Just like Frontierland’s shooting gallery, another shooting gallery concept was considered, with a different theming.

Sur le principe de la shooting gallery de Frontierland, un autre concept de “shooting gallery” avec une thématisation différente fut envisagé pour le parc.

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Pirates of Caribbean shooting gallery

This one was a tough question, i must admit, but here below is the proof.

Cette question, je dois l'admettre était difficile. Voici l'artwork, ci-dessous.

Question 8: The Imagineer John Horny did a painting of the Explorer’s Club restaurant ( now Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost ) on which were painted famous explorers. Among the names below, which explorer was NOT on the painting?

L’imagineer John Horny réalisa une peinture pour le restaurant Explorer’s Club ( maintenant Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost ) sur laquelle figurait des explorateurs célèbres (réels ou de fiction). Parmi les noms ci-dessous quel est l’explorateur qui ne figurait PAS sur la peinture?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Allan Quatermain

It was possible to find the answer in the articles of Jean de Lutèce on the Jim Hill media web site and in my book "From sketch to reality".

La réponse était trouvable dans les articles de Jean de Lutèce sur le site web de Jim Hill et dans mon livre "de l'esquisse à la création".

Question 9: A Tarzan themed attraction was considered for Adventureland, but never built. What kind of attraction was it?

Pour Adventureland, une attraction sur le theme de Tarzan fut envisagé. Laquelle?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : A Tarzan "coaster"

This one was the big trap of the contest, as most of you, of course, thought about a Tarzan tree house. The Tarzan "coaster" was envisioned to be build near Captain Hook's pirate ship and using in part the Swiss Robinson Tree structure, but it was a coaster. So, sorry, folks, but the good answer is a Tarzan "coaster" as the rendering below will prove it to you.

Cette question était le gros piège du concours. La plupart d'entre vous ont bien sur pensé à un Tarzan tree house. Il était envisagé de construire ce Tarzan "coaster" prés du bateau du Captain Hook et en utilisant en partie la structure de l'arbre des Robinsons, mais c'était bel et bien un coaster. Donc, navré, mais la bonne réponse était un Tarzan "coaster" comme le prouve le rendering ci-dessous.

Question 10: Among the projects considered but never done for Discoveryland , one attraction was a come-back of a Disneyland Anaheim extinct attraction. Which one?

Parmi les projets envisagés mais non retenus pour Discoveryland figurait une attraction disparue de Disneyland, Californie, laquelle ?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : The Flying Saucers

This one was easy to find, the rendering being previously published here.

Celle-ci était facile à trouver, le rendering figurant sur Disney and more.

Question 11: In the preliminary concepts for Discoveryland, a roller coaster ride inspired from Tony Baxter’s Discovery Bay project was considered but never realised. What would have been the name of this coaster?

Dans les études préliminaires pour Discoveryland un roller coaster ride inspiré du concept Discovery Bay de Tony Baxter fut envisagé, mais finalement jamais réalisé. Quel était le nom prévu pour ce coaster?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : Spark Gap Coaster

The good answer was indeed Spark Gap Coaster, and not only it has been considered for Discoveryland, but an attraction poster concept was realised, and the right attraction's name that you had to find is on it!

La bonne réponse était effectivement Spark Gap Coaster, et non seulement elle fut envisagée pour Discoveryland, mais le concept d'un attraction poster fut mème réalisé, et le nom exact qui était à trouver figure dessus!

As i said in the question, the concept was coming from Tony Baxter's Discovery bay project, here is the rendering.

Comme indiqué, le concept venait du projet Discovery Bay de Tony Baxter dont voici le rendering.

You don't find the coaster? Look closer in the background center, or below.

Vous ne voyez pas le coaster? Regardez attentivement au fond et au centre, ou ci-dessous.

Question 12: Among the hotels concepts considered but never realised for Disneyland Paris, which one in the four below was never considered?

Parmi les projets d’hotels envisagés mais non retenus pour Disneyland Paris quel est celui dans les quatre ci-dessous qui ne fut jamais envisagé et ne fit l’objet d’aucun concept-art ou de maquette ?

Good Answer / Bonne Réponse : A rocket shape hotel / Un hotel en forme de fusée

Yes, a liner shape hotel, an aircraft carrier hotel or a totally transparent hotel were envisioned, but not one with a rocket shape!

Et oui, un hotel en forme de paquebot, en forme de porte-avion ou totalement transparent furent envisagés, mais pas un ayant la forme d'une fusée!

That's it for the answers, but before i leave you, as many of you will wonder if these never realised attractions could be realised in the future, let me say this: the chances to see at DLP a Pirates of Caribbean shooting gallery, the Flying Saucers, the Spark Gap Coaster or even the Tarzan "coaster" are close to 0%. Although "a good idea never die at WDI" i'm ready to bet that none of them will be build, whether because they don't have the room available for, or because they simply have better concepts, now. The Tarzan coaster could have more chances, but frankly, i wouldn't count on it, really.

C'est terminé pour les réponses, mais avant de vous quitter, et comme la plupart d'entre vous ne manqueront pas de se demander si ces attractions jamais réalisées pourraient l'ètre un jour, laissez moi vous donner mon feeling à ce sujet: les chances de voir un jour à DLP une Pirates of Caribbean shooting gallery, les Flying Saucers, le Spark Gap Coaster ou mème le Tarzan "coaster" sont proches de 0%. Malgré "qu'une bonne idée ne meurt jamais à WDI" je suis prét à parier que aucun de ces concepts ne sera construit, que ce soit parce qu'il n'y a plus la place disponible, ou tout simplement parce qu'ils auront trouvés de meilleurs concepts. Le Tarzan coaster pourrait sembler avoir plus de chances, mais franchement, je ne compterais vraiment pas dessus.

Many thanks once again to all of you for your participation, and come back soon to learn some amazing facts about Phantom Manor!

Encore une fois merci à tous pour votre participation, et à trés bientot pour des infos surprenantes au sujet de Phantom Manor!

Artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Disney MGM Studios celebration - Part Four - The Dick Tracy Crime Stoppers attraction that never was - original artwork

Hello, as promised, here is the part four of this Disney MGM Studios article series, and this time it will be about an attraction that never was - or almost was: Dick Tracy Crime Stoppers.

Remember this Warren Beatty movie adaptation of the famous Dick Tracy comic strip in 1990 ? The stylised movie where Al Pacino and all vilains had masks to have their faces looking like in the comic strip.

Yes, the one with Madonna playing in it - she was dating with Warren at that time!

Well, everybody at the WDC was so much convinced it will be a big hit that Walt Disney Imagineering designed a fantastic Dick Tracy attraction, a whole park area in fact.
An attraction where "Dick Tracy will recruit guests to shoot it out with gangsters bad guys"...

The 1990's press release was saying that " Guests will literally get "into the act" in this new high-tech action-adventure featuring the very latest in Audio-Animatronics, simulation, sound and special effects." And also: "Guests will join America's favorite comic-strip detective in a high-speed chase with his gangster adversaries." And in what kind of decor this high-speed chase would have take place? Well, this kind of decor - a really great great one.

Just below, two close shots of this artwork to have a better view how detailed it was.

As for the high-speed chase itself, this rendering below will give you a perfect feeling of it.

Here also, two close shots of the artwork.

It looked great, doesn't it? And not only the Dick Tracy Crime Stoppers attraction was envisioned for the Disney MGM Studios, but also for Disneyland, Anaheim for a whole new land: "Hollywoodland". And if you ask any imagineer who worked at WDI at that time and who had the luck to see the model, they will all tell you how great the attraction would have been.

Yes, but...the problem was that the box office of the movie didn't reached the WDC expectations, and, well, you know what kind of things happen when a "eagerly anticipated summer hit" finally is not that successful, don't you? That's right, all the plans were cancelled, and we're all still waiting for this Dick Tracy attraction...although...when i looked again to that cinemascope rendering of the decor, the right part of it reminds me something that i saw in the best themed park on earth: the streets under the elevated tramway at the American Waterfront of Tokyo Disney Sea.

Hmmmm, i'm wondering if something from Dick Tracy Crime Stoppers finally survived? Your thoughts?

Artwork: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc.

Breaking news ! : Euro Disney S.C.A. announced today the nomination of a new President !

Disneyland Paris have a new President! Philippe Gas will begin as DLRP president in September, and is the seventh president since the opening, 16 years ago. Let's wish him a warm welcome.

Here is the official corporate press release that will let you know more about him:


Marne-la-Vallée, April 11, 2008 – Euro Disney S.C.A. today announced the nomination of Philippe Gas to the position of Président of Euro Disney S.A.S., the management company of Euro Disney S.C.A. and Euro Disney Associés S.C.A., the operator of Disneyland® Resort Paris.
Philippe will take over the responsibilities of Karl Holz who has been appointed President, New Vacation Operations, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.

James A. Rasulo, Chairman, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts said: “ Philippe’s 17 years of Disney experience, more than half of which was spent at Disneyland Resort Paris, along with his expertise in human resources ideally prepares him to lead Euro Disney’s team of 12,300 cast members. Together with the strong international management team, Philippe is committed to the Company’s long-term strategy and to its continued growth as Europe’s number 1 tourist destination”.

Philippe’s appointment will be effective on September 1, 2008. He will transition into this new role over the summer, working closely with Karl to ensure continued commitment to the Company’s long term strategic priorities : driving results towards profitability ; providing a high-quality guest experience ; and developing our cast members.

Philippe Gas, 44 and a 17-year Disney veteran, has extensive experience with both Euro Disney and Walt Disney Parks & Resorts worldwide. After having completed his master of law from the University of Paris Assas, he joined the Disney organization in 1991 as Finance Controller and was a member of the opening team at Disneyland Resort Paris. Over the next six years, he held a variety of positions at the Resort. In 1997, he was promoted to Director, Corporate Compensation and moved to The Walt Disney Company headquarters in Burbank, California. In 2000, he served as Regional Vice President, Human Resources, The Walt Disney Company Asia-Pacific, overseeing the HR strategy in 13 countries in Asia – first based in Tokyo and then in Hong Kong.

In 2004, he returned to Disneyland Resort Paris as Senior Vice President, Human Resources, where he was responsible for all HR Operations for its more than 12,300 cast members. In 2005 he was appointed Senior Vice President, International Human Resources, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts and in 2006, he was promoted to his current position as Executive Vice President, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts worldwide. In this role, he is responsible for the Human Resources strategy and services for nearly 100,000 Cast Members.

Philippe said : “ I am pleased to return to Disneyland Resort Paris, where I started my Disney career to build on the solid foundation which Karl and the leadership team have achieved. I look forward to working with the cast to continue delivering high-quality Disney experience for all of our guests”.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

200 000 Visitors !!! Many many thanks to all of you, Disney and more readers !

Just one year ago, on April 7 2007, it was the very beginning of Disney and more, so this is the first Disney and more birthday. And today, thanks to all of you dear Disney and more readers, the site - i say "the site" because, although it is a blog structure, it's more and more looking like a web site - has reached the point of 200000 visitors ! What a great birthday present! Also, in one year, 500000 pages were read and 1300 readers gently took the time to answer to my poll, and that's very kind from you.
Each day, now, between 1600 and 2000 visitors are coming on Disney and more. Until today, the record was reached last sunday with 2320 visitors and 6486 pages read. But today was a new record for Disney and more with 3574 visitors and 7420 pages read on a single day.

Those of you who come each day on the site have probably already understood it, Disney and more is not only about Disney, it's also about ideal. I mean, a vision of an ideal web site where you can find not only beautiful pictures - old or new - but also great and rare artwork, all of them in high-resolution when available, and with no damned web site logo on it!
A web site where everybody can watch the best videos available on Disney attractions and "behind the scenes", or even watch great magic acts - who don't like really good magic, frankly? , find the latest infos on great Disney merchandise items, and news about the highly awaited movies like WALL-E or the next Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull.

Disney and more is also, and before everything, a huge tribute to Walt Disney Imagineering and to all the fantastic wizards of Glendale. May be everything began with a mouse, but without their genious, this unique experience that we can live only in Disney theme parks will not be part of our reality. May Disney Imagineers live forever!

I need to thank also all the blogs and web sites which kindly and regularly are doing links with my Disney and more articles, and a special thanks to Al Lutz from Miceage. Thanks to his link a new visitors record was broken today.

So, once again, and as would have said this dear old Sammy Davis Jr, i thank all of you "from the bottom of my heart"!

See you all tomorrow, for the awaited last part of the Disney MGM Studios articles series, it's a promise!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Disney MGM Studios celebration - Part Three - The Great Movie Ride original artwork and behind the scenes pictures

Hello, here is part three of this Disney MGM Studios series, and, as promised, the article is about the Great Movie ride with original artwork and great behind the scenes photos of imagineers at work.

Above is the artwork for something that was probably a mural painting, and below a rendering of the Chinese Theatre area.

Another one of the Hollywood Boulevard with the Chinese Theatre in the background.

Here is a rare rendering for the Singing in the rain scene.

And of course, this one is for the John Wayne scene.

Here is the artwork for the gangsters scene.

And this is the rendering for the final Wizard of Oz scene.

Before we have a look to some behind the scenes pictures, here is a great story told to me by a friend imagineer about the "Casablanca" scene of the ride, and more specifically about the real plane one can see in the decor:
"The Casablanca scene has the real Casablanca Lockheed Electra plane used in the movie - and the tail section is in the WDW Jungle Cruise. The plane was located by Malcolm Cobb of WDI/ California, in Texas. Malcolm got the Lockheed registry of all the planes and their history and present owners and set out looking. On this Texas plane, no one had any idea it was the real plane until they ran its serial numbers and found it had been registered to the movie studio that made the film at that time. This was done after the purchase was completed. When Malcolm found it, it had been sitting for some time and not running. Another owner nearby owned three of these planes and wanted much more money for his as they were flyable. Malcolm didnt need one that flew and bought the cheapest one, being the real on. When the man who owned the three planes found out what he had missed, he was pretty upset at himself, as it had been right next to his backyard."

The first behind the scenes picture below shows an imagineer at work on the Busby Berkeley opening scene.

When we think about an Indiana Jones attraction, we generally think about Indiana Jones Adventure, or the Epic stunt spectacular, or the Temple du péril but we often forget that there is a great Indy scene in the Great Movie ride! Here, one imagineer is at work on one of the giant Anubis statues.

Other imagineers at work in the same room.

Final touch to the Ark of the Covenant scene.

Inside WDI workhouse, an imagineer measuring the beautiful Ark of the Covenant replica.

Putting in place the Egyptian mummies...

Final touch on the same mummies...

Almost cheek to cheek between a beautiful imagineer and a quite well done mummy...

No, it's not Tarzan and Jane, but two imagineers at work on the vegetation of the Tarzan scene.

And for those of you living outside the U.S who never had the luck to ride the Great Movie Ride, here is the video of the full ride, in two parts.

Before i leave, i would like to answer to some of you who asked me where i've got all these Disney's Mgm Studios artworks: Almost all of the Epcot and Disney Mgm artwork you've seen here was delivered to me during the 25th WDW anniversary press event by the WDW photo library.
At that time it was still possible for the journalists to go at the photo library, choose the slides that interest you and ask if it was possible to get them. These one needed an approval from WDW Imagineering, but they gave their approval, and that's the whole story. For the choice of the renderings themselves, you just have to thanks my good taste!

All artwork and photos: copyright Disney Enterprises Inc.

Youtube video: copyright

Final touch by Imagineers on Toy Story Mania before soft opening begin at Disney Hollywood Studios

The Toy Story Mania press event in WDW is schedule for May 16th, but soft opening at the DHS should begin at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, Imagineers are putting the final touch on the attraction. Above and below, John Cutry, Principal Show Animator for Walt Disney Imagineering (foreground, right) and Eric Swapp, Principal Show Programmer for Walt Disney Imagineering (background), team up to program the Mr. Potato Head Audio-Animatronics figure at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Photos: copyright Disney

Monday, April 7, 2008

The WDS Tower of Terror Making-of and official ride videos

You've loved the Grand Opening videos? You will love these two official videos of the making-of the Tower of Terror and a full ride video!

The making-of provide very interesting shots filmed during the building of the attraction, and for the other one - the ride video - surprise! they show scenes of the ride itself! I suppose that there was so many pirates videos of the ride on youtube that DLP probably thought that what happen during the ride was not a secret any more!

Anyway, enjoy both of them!

Photo and videos: copyright Disney