Last week the Halloween season started at Disneyland Paris, so here is a special DLP Halloween update with plenty of pics and videos thanks to Max, D&M contributor and DLPWelcome webmaster!
Main Street USA is now in Orange and black, the ghosts residents of the town are back and the street citizens have decorated their buildings with little pumpkins .The decoration, as in previous years, is simple and effective, well integrated and well thought. Disneyland Paris don't change what works well in the Park ( for once! ).

The first and main event of the day is the « Mickey’s Halloween Celebration » cavalcade. Like last year the parade of 3 floats awaits a new one, and with the years, the small size of the parade could harm it. Let's hope something new for its 5 years, next year, during DLP 25th Anniversary.
But this cavalcade is great with his music, his rythm, the large number of performers and the variety of Disney characters more or less well-known.

And here is the video of the full cavalcade!
The second news is about the show « It’s Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains! »
This event allows all visitors to meet the main Disney villains in 1 hour. 2 shows of 8 minutes. One in English with the evil Queen, and one in french with Cruella Devil. Those two shows allow Disney to offer an entertaiment more qualitative than last year, despite the choice of a dubious musical medley.
Here is the video of the version of the show with Cruella...
And here is the version with the evil Queen.
Meet and greet with the characters is always what guests love during Halloween and for once they can meet the Cheshire Cat! You just have to be patient to meet him as everyone wants to!
Maleficent has a new costume this year, nicer in its colors and more details than the previous one. Also, Mickey and Minnie Mouse can be meet with their Halloween costume. Marie from the Aristocats can be meet on Town Square, Stitch or Daisy near Casey Corner and Jack Skellington near Phantom Manor.
Here is Max video showing the Halloween meet and greet with the characters!
Finally, this season has as new merchandise, the arrival of the themed « Poison Apple » mug sold in the kiosks of popcorn, empty for 8€ or 9€ with popcorn. It is larger than it looks and with a quality plastic. It also allows good interaction when it is presented to the Disney characters. Only downside: Disney should think to propose a special price for all people with this mug for the recharge of popcorns and avoid paying the full fare. Disney could make itself more money (with more sales) and get a satisfaction improved of the visitors. One last thing: the item is so popular that it was already out of stock this week and no one apparently knows if it'll be back soon!

Max will be back soon with a new DLP update,In the meantime i remind you that you can still order the Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book while we still have copies available for 75€ ( + 15€ shipping ), pay with the Paypal button below and send me an email with your order at: neverlandeditions@gmail.com
Jump to the book website HERE to learn more about it and watch a video showing the whole book! See you soon for a new DLP update!
Those of you who have never seen the book will find below a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book AND you can see more pictures on the book website HERE.
Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video!
Videos: copyright Alain Littaye, DLPWelcome
Pictures: copyright DLPWelcome