Twenty years ago Disneyland Paris had its first opening day on April 12, and so today it's DLP 20th Anniversary! Unfortunately i was not able to attend the event but others did and thanks to them you will be able to see what happened this morning at DLP. More pictorial reports and video will come soon but for now here is how the day begin, and it began at the entrance of Main Street with a celebration speech of Philippe Gas, DLP CEO...
...Instantly followed by a flash mob of DLP cast members and characters, join in the sky by two acrobatic planes of the french air force who "draw" in the sky a "20th"...
Here is a longer video showing the two planes flying over the park...
Later today DLP guests watched the 20th parade as well as the 20th Anniversary train going up and down Main Street...
...But the show that no one is gonna miss tonight is of course the new Disney Dreams show. Thousands of guests will stand in front of Sleeping Beauty castle and thanks to DLRPMagic you're going to be able to watch it exactly as DLP guests will as this new Disney Dreams video was shot exactly like anyone in front of DLP castle will see the show tonight. It's a whole different experience than the official video that i've posted last week so it really worth to have a new look at this amazing show!
You might be interested by have a look back at the opening celebration 20 years ago and, good news, DLP has released a video showing the grand opening on April 12, 1992 with Michael Eisner, Roy Disney and Bob Fitzpatrick who was DLP first CEO. Here it is;
Now that DLP has reached its 20th, what can we wish to the park for the next 20 years? Of course, a better financial situation, and for DLP fans new rides which hopefully will come soon, beginning by the awaited Ratatouille dark ride at the WDS and then may be the next ride will be for Disneyland Park. In twenty years from now DLP will very probably ave a third theme park - planned for 2020 - and much more like the Village Nature which is confirmed. Again, Happy birthday Disneyland Paris and all my best wishes for the next 20 years and beyond!
Videos: copyright filipv, Disneyland Paris, dlrpmagic
With DLP 20th Anniversary it's the right time to order your copy of the collector's edition of the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which will tell you all about the creation of the park with 320 pages and 750 pictures and WDI renderings! And during all April to celebrate DLP 20th Ann the book is at its pre-order price of 100 euros! Place your pre-order now for a collector's edition copy while you can get a special offer on this wonderful book! To know how to order and send your payment please go HERE.
It was such a wonderful grand opening in 1992! And the thrill of a lifetime for a Disneyland lover from California to see such a beautiful place come to life. Happy birthday EuroDisneyland Paris. Many returns of the day.
Happy birthday Disneyland Paris!
I hope that you're right about DLP future Alain, but I think that it is only going to be true if someone, most likely the Walt Disney Co., inject a lot of capital at the Resort.
By the way, I read yesterday on the Daily Mail website an article about DLP 20th anniversary, and they talked about how bad the financial situation of the Resort is, that it lost 55.6 million euros last year, besides being the most visited tourist destination in Europe and charge 51 pounds for people to go inside, and about its huge 1.9 billion pounds debt.
What surprised me the most on the article was the readers comments section. The best rated comments only talked about things like: how bad the park is, how rude the staff are, that they don't speak english, how bad the weather in Paris is, how it was such a terrible business decision to build the park in Paris and things like that.
It gave me the impression that the old rivalry between France and English is still alive and strong, and that it was a blow to the English that Disney chose France to build its European Resort.
I would love to have such a nice Resort so near from where I live, and to be able to go to a Disney Resort by train...
For those of you who want to read the article:
Marco Antonia Garcia, I understand your concerns regarding these comments and share the miserable feeling I get when reading it.
Fortunately these comments are not necessarily representative of the millions who come to the resort and return. One does see true joy and inspiration at Disneyland Paris. Don't forget that the young and young at heart make the magic.
There are things to be fixed, but they will be. The only challenge indeed is the debt.
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