Saturday, December 20, 2014

Marvel Experience Tour Starts At Scottsdale, Arizona ! Videos

The Marvel Experience started its tour yesterday at Scottsdale, near Phoenix in Arizona and i've got great videos for you as well as more details about what the guest will find under the domes including a 4D simulator ride and the first giant 360 stereoscopic 3D dome projection!

"The goal is for the visiting audience to feel like they are part of the Marvel universe, recruited to overcome the conflict at hand", said Jason Rosen, chief production officer of Hero Ventures which owns a 14-year license with Marvel.

"We want people to say, 'Wow, that was visually spectacular,'" Rosen said. "I want kids to say 'I saw Nick Fury,' and others to feel like a superhero. "We're dealing with photo-real types of animation, which is similar to what Spider-Man looks like in the movies," he said. "He looks real, but he's computer-generated. We made our characters look real and people will relate to that. We want them to come away talking about it."

From Phoenix Business Journal: "The first-person experience makes the visitor part of the show, with unique technology making the immersive experience visual and something the "superhero" can feel and touch. There are touch screens, motion comics and five 8-minute original movies to watch in each of the domes. All of the content is produced from scratch, and Hero Ventures hired an Oscar-winning animation studio and composer to write the score, Rosen said.

"I never thought that audiences will fully grasp this experience until they see it," he said. "I think the moment the first person walks through the door the word of mouth is going to be unbelievable. I think it's going to make people really happy. People will feel a sense of wonderment you get when reading a comic book or watching a movie."

One dome is similar to an IMAX film, while another dome is a fully immersive 360-degree stereoscopic, 3-D experience. "You really feel like you're in the middle of the action," he said. "We're using 14 different projectors for this 65-foot dome. There are plenty of 180-degree domes out there. The fact that this screen is everywhere around you is pretty excited. When I saw it for the first time, I got really excited."

Another 80-foot dome has a motion-ride experience, similar to the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, with the audience moving in conjunction with the on-screen film. "You're on a wild ride where you step aboard a Hovercraft and watch four minutes of an aerial battle you're a part of with all the characters of Marvel standing by and guiding you through the experience," Rosen said.

Audience members participate in the experience with a light band around their wrist, which impacts the outcome of their own movie. The light band glows and acts as a laser to help the person defeat the bad guys using radio frequency identification, or RFID, technology.

The power light band also tracks the visitor's progress through the experience. Each interactive station recognizes the person by their band, with collectible widgets available for people to trade and collect.

The half a dozen interactive games are housed in the main 160-foot diameter, 60-foot high dome. Some of the games use augmented reality where the person can see themselves next to various superheroes."

And this next video will tell you all about the technology used to create this Marvel Experience.

They've also recreated the Avengers Quinjet!, here is a rendering of the scene...

...and a video showing you the building of it in six monts!

We've got too videos of the outside domes, this first one is an aerial video shot a few weeks ago while The Marvel Experience was getting set up in Scottsdale.

And another one a few days later, as seen from the highway, passing by.

Videos: copyright Hero Ventures, Marvel

Gift of the Day : Walt Disney and the Nautilus

The gift of the day is these two great pictures of Walt Disney with a Nautilus model. One of the pics was actually signed by Walt himself! A usual, click on each to see them in big size!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Infographic of TRON Lightcycle History

As we know Disney will move forward with the development of a TRON 3 movie in the near future and in the meantime here's a cool infographic that show us the history of the TRON Lightcycle and various other TRON vehicles.

Friday, December 19, 2014

D&M Exclusive : Tom Scherman and The Original Time Machine

Here are some exclusive shots showing the great Tom Scherman that no one have ever seen before! Tom, as we know, was the absolute Nautilus specialist - and thanks to him we have a full size Nautilus at Disneyland Paris - but he also found in love with one of the most famous props in films history, i.e the Time Machine from George Pal 1960' Time Machine movie with Rod Taylor. 

As explained on the Time Machine project website the Time Machine prop has been lost for many years and found in an antique store in Orange county. Tom Scherman and a friend of his had found the machine and told Bob Burns about it. The Time Machine was bought at an M.G.M. auction in 1970. Bob Burns was able to buy what was left of a once great movie prop which was in very poor condition. The original barber chair had been sold separately. The rear pods were severely broken as well. The only non original part is the console and the side rails from the surround rail up. These are the parts that Tom Scherman built for the restoration in which participated ten others people. You can see plenty of pictures showing the condition of the Time Machine after the auction as well as pictures of its restoration and the Bob Burns Halloween show "Return of the Time Machine" that happened once it was restored on the Time Machine project website HERE

The pictures that you'll see above and below were sent to me by Evelyn Turner - who is the one who provided to me the other pictures of Tom Scherman that you've seen in a previous article posted last year HERE. Evelyn met Tom through mutual friends around 1973 when she was living in Hollywood. Tom gave her a tour of his Nautilus apartment, which was very impressive and they started going together and stayed together a few years, through about 1977 when they grew apart and went their separate ways. You'll see Evelyn in the Time Machine in a few seconds but first, let's have a look at this legendary prop as it looked in the movie.

Many years later, here is Tom standing in front of the Time Machine during its restoration.

And here is Evelyn Turner, that same day, in the Time machine. Evelyn is the one who shot the pictures above and below.

Two pictures of the Time Machine without Tom or Evelyn...

In one of the movie scenes, Rod Taylor, sit in the Time Machine is on its way for another era...

...and many years later, Tom Scherman in the now fully restored Time Machine, a picture probably shot during Bob Burns "return of the Tim Machine" show.

Here is another a picture of Evelyn, probably also shot during the same show.

I can't thank enough Evelyn for this great never-seen-before pictures that i'm sure you've all enjoyed a lot!

Pictures: copyright Evelyn Turner, MGM 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

TONIGHT is the Last Day For a Christmas Day Delivery of the Disneyland Paris Book French Collector Edition !! - And More Good News About the Shipping of the English Updated Edition !

For once i'm starting this post in french for my french readers, please see below for the english version.

Une bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui veulent commander le livre Disneyland Paris, De L'Esquisse à la Création. Normalement on pensait ne pas pouvoir faire d'envois entre le 19 Décembre et le 9 Janvier mais finalement on sera en mesure d'assurer tous les envois pour les commandes reçues entre ces deux dates mais uniquement pour les commandes d'exemplaires NON dédicacés.

Donc, si vous souhaitez un exemplaire du livre NON dédicacé n'hésitez pas à placer votre commande quelque soit la date et le livre sera expédié sous 48h, et si vous souhaitez un exemplaire du livre dédicacé, vous pouvez également placer votre commande en sachant que le colis ne sera pas envoyé avant le 10 Janvier.

Enfin, si vous souhaitez recevoir le livre pour le jour de Noel ET en version dédicace la date limite pour passer commande ET envoyer le paiement par Paypal ou CB est CE SOIR Jeudi 18 Décembre!!

Pour toute commande m'envoyer un email à:
Le prix d'un exemplaire ( non dédicacé ) est de 60€ + 15€ de frais d'envois en colissimo recommandé. La version signée est à 75€ + frais d'envois.

Vous pouvez utiliser également le bouton Paypal ci-dessous ou envoyer le règlement directement depuis votre compte Paypal à:
Note: les choix sur ce bouton sont écris en anglais mais n'en tenez pas compte, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour une commande d'une exemplaire en français. Indiquez moi juste en envoyant le Paypal que vous souhaitez un exemplaire en français.
Pour un paiement en carte bancaire envoyez moi un email d'abord à:

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality

Le livre en français est également disponible sur eBay ici:

Ou sur Amazon ici:

Ci-dessous l'un des 250 magnifiques concept-arts inclus dans le livre qui inclus également 750 photos du parc. Pour plus d'infos sur le livre: et également la vidéo ci-dessous présentant chaque page du livre.

And now here is for my english readers:

Good news for those who want to order the book Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality. We thought not being able to do shipments between December 19 and January 9 but we will finally be able to ensure all shipments for orders received between these dates but only for orders of NON signed copies.

So if you want a non-signed copy of the book feel free to place your order, regardless of the date and the book will be shipped within 48 hours. And if you want a copy of the book autographed, you can also place your order knowing the package will not be sent before January 10.

The price for one copy is currently of 60€ + 15€ shipping worldwide. Signed copies are at 75€ + same shipping.

To place your order please send me an email at:
Or send directly the Paypal payment from your Paypal account at:
OR use the one-click Paypal button below. For a payment with credit card, send me an email first.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality

You can also find the book on here if you wish:

Above, some of the 250 beautiful WDI renderings included in the book which also include 750 photos of the park. More infos about the book here: and the video below showing each page of the book.

Pictures: copyright Disney, Neverland Editions.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gift of the Day : Walt Disney " Give Toys for Tots " Pictures

These pictures of Walt Disney shot mid 60's for the "Give Toys for Tots" operation are just perfect for Christmas and you have them here in the two versions - B&W and color - and in "Gift of the day" size and 300 dpi! As usual, click on each to see them in big size!

Pictures: copyright Disney

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Disneyland Paris Christmas Pictorial Update - By Maureen - Hello Disneyland

I've got a new Disneyland Paris update for you today, and it's with a great pleasure that i welcome back Maureen. Those of you who are faithful D&M readers from the start may remember that Maureen was previously a D&M contributor some years ago. She is a brilliant photographer and she's back with even more than fantastic pics of DLP as she launched recently her new website called Hello Disneyland. Hello Disneyland is a great website with not only Maureen pictorial reports but also plenty of tips and everything you need to know to prepare your next trip to Disneyland Paris! So, i strongly suggest that you add Hello Disneyland in your bookmarks, and if you lost the address you'll also find a direct link to it on Disney News Central where i've added it in the list.

With this first report,from Maureen we're back at DLP and its Christmas season decor, and all Maureen pictures were shot with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 17-40 lens, slightly enhanced then with Lightroom. There we go and we start with the Disneyland Park, click on each picture to see them in big size!

We'll be back in a few second sot DLP Disneyland Park but let's move now to the Walt Disney Studios.

At DLP Disney Village a "Christmas Village" is there during all the Christmas season...

Let's go back at the Disneyland park at night for more glorious pictures!

These were just a few shots from Maaureen full report and you have as many pictures to discover on Hello Disneyland right HERE. Maureen also shot with her Canon 5D Mark II a video of the Disney Dreams of Christmas show, and here it is below. Watch it in full screen mode and 1080p high-definition!

Maureen will be back soon with new pictorial updates but in the meantime i remind you that it's not too late to enjoy the great Christmas special offer on the Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality book which runs till January 5! I used to say that you won't find a better Christmas gift for a Disney fan, and... it's true! So, go ahead, read more details below and place your order now with the Paypal button below.

And for all orders please also send me an email with your shipping address at:

From November 1st to January 5th the book Disneyland Paris, From Sketch to Reality in its english regular and updated edition OR in its french collector edition is on sale at the special Christmas price of 60 € (+ 15 € shipping worldwide ). And you can order a signed edition ( which will be dedicated at your name or the name of the person  you wish ) for 75 € instead of 100 € ( +15 €  shipping worldwide )! 
In addition, ALL buyers will receive a surprise gift that you will love! 
SPECIAL NOTE to buyers with a shipping address to ITALY or BELGIUM : For shipments to Belgium or Italy, the amount of shipping costs is 25 €. 

Do not miss this special Christmas offer, and place your order by email to:  
Please let me know in your email if you want the english or french edition! ALSO, those who choose the autographed version please don't forget to mention in your email at what name the dedication must be done! 

You can pay by Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. 
Paypal payment must be sent to the same email address - - or you can also use the Paypal button below or on the D&M right column by choosing between signed or unsigned copy, and how many copies you want. 
The Paypal button works for both french or english edition but confirm me by email or in your Paypal payment which edition you want ( english or french ).
Also note that the Paypal button includes an additional discount for those who want to order 2 or 3 copies instead of one. 

If you do NOT have a Paypal account you can pay by credit card, or bank transfer, please send me an email about it to:
Note: For those of you who have never seen a copy of the book you'll find below a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book.

Disneyland Paris From Sketch to Reality

Although you've probably heard about this beautiful book, many of you may have never seen a copy of it. So we've done a video presentation of the full book which will show you each of the 320 pages of the book! The book includes 750 pictures of the park, including 250 gorgeous renderings of Walt Disney Imagineering and stunning pictures of the park seen from above. The book is so big that it took us seven and a half minutes to show you the full book, and that's without stopping turning each pages! So, if you want to have a closer look at a page don't hesitate to stop the video!

Pictures: copyright Maureen - Hello Disneyland