Saturday, November 2, 2013

Disneyland Paris Book French Edition Promo Ends Tomorrow Sunday Evening !

Editor's Note: I've got three new updates for you below and as usual additional posts on the D&M Facebook page HERE but, before, some words in french for my french readers as the Halloween promo on the Disneyland Paris book in its french edition ends tomorrow sunday evening! As for the english edition it's still time to place your pre-order for a copy of the english normal edition, please see on the top of the right bar.

Vous avez jusqu'à demain soir Dimanche 3 Novembre pour profiter de la promo spéciale "Halloween" sur le livre Disneyland Paris, de l'Esquisse à la Création dans son édition collector française au prix de 75 euros ( au lieu de 120€ ) et économisez 15€ de plus avec les frais d'envois gratuits! L'offre est valable pour toute personne achetant un exemplaire de l'édition collector en français, quel que soit le pays ou vous habitez, et merci d'adresser votre commande par email à:

Vous pouvez régler les 75 euros par Paypal en envoyant le règlement à:  ou par chèque ( si vous êtes en France ) ou par virement bancaire ou même directement avec votre carte bancaire via Paypal même si vous ne possédez pas encore de compte Paypal. Pour ces trois options merci de m'envoyer un email et je vous donnerais la marche à suivre. L'exemplaire est envoyé en colissimo recommandé sous 48h. Ne manquez pas cette offre spéciale valable jusqu'au 3 Novembre!

Merci de ne pas utiliser le bouton Paypal situé à droite qui n'est PAS codé avec le prix de cette promo Halloween. Pour plus d'infos sur le livre et cette édition collector allez sur le site du livre ICI.

Legendary Imagineer Tony Baxter Honored by a Window at Disneyland Main Street U.S.A

Legendary Imagineer Tony Baxter was honored yesterday by a window at Disneyland Main Street U.S.A, during a ceremony hosted by Tom Staggs, Bruce Vaughn and Michael Colglazier, family members, friends, and others Disney Legends recognized Tony amazing contributions.

And what contributions! From Big Thunder Mountain to Splash mountain, Indiana Jones Adventure, Star Tours, Epcot Journey into Imagination and the whole Disneyland Paris park just to list a few, Tony Baxter was during his long career at WDI one of the most important Imagineer in Disney theme park history and is beloved by all Disney fans.

Tony's window is located on the first floor right on the left of DL Magic shop and is written on it "Main Street Marvel, Tony Baxter, Inventor" and this quote coming from Journey into Imagination "Imagination is in the heart of our creations".

If i remember it well Tony's birthday is in February and he's born under the Aquarius sign. Uranus is the "master" of the sign and brings anti-conformism but also inventivity and genius! So, i think that "Inventor" is not only right in regards to Tony's achievements but also perfectly chosen for someone as much "Uranian" as him!

Almost 50 years ago, in 1965 Tony started his career at Disneyland at Carnation Plaza Gardens, became an Imagineer in 1970 and was a field art director for the opening of 20000 Leagues under the sea. Over the years Tony played a key role in the development of the beloved attractions listed above before becoming senior vice president responsible for the concept development, design and creation of Disneyland Paris!

We all congrats Tony and here is a video of the full ceremony filmed by Inside the Magic.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Video: copyright Inside the Magic

Rare Disneyland Paris Sam McKim Fun Map Available in Mega High-Res Definition

The Disneyland Paris Sam McKim Fun Map was released when DLP opened in 1992 and since 20 years is almost impossible to find. Very very rare map... until today as the Disneyland Paris Treasures fan site posted it an incredible mega definition - 10000 x 6222 Px , equivalent to a 66 Mega Pixel picture - and you can download it HERE.

Don't hesitate to zoom in this amazing map as you will discover that locations of DLP future attractions - as envisioned in 1992 and finally never built ( Little Mermaid , Beauty and the Beast, Indiana Jones Adventure, Discovery Mountain ) were indicated precisely on the map. Have also a look at his website HERE where he tells more and explore the map in details.

The download link above send you on the site Facebook page which will redirect you to the download page after you "like" its page. Again, the high-res scan is just perfect, so don't miss it!

Picture: copyright Disney

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Disneyland It's a Small World Projection Show

Here is something nice done for It's a Small World Holiday version at Disneyland: it happen each 15 minutes when the IASW clock show start and Disneyland Imagineers have installed a projection show on ISAW facade with animation, dolls, a Gingerbread House appearing magically and even a tribute to Mary Blair with a flying bird becoming a cuckoo! I wish they'll too this at Disneyland Paris - and may be they will do it in the future as the projection show is probably not too expensive. Have a look at the video below!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Breaking : Five Years Old Child Badly Injured in Serious Accident at DLP Pirates of Caribbean

This is a very bad news indeed as a five years old child is very badly injured after an accident that happened wednesday afternoon at Disneyland Paris Pirates of Caribbean.  According to Le Figaro newspaper article here is what happened.

The accident happened around 4.20 pm and the Seine et Marne Prefecture has confirmed the accident, saying that so far they have contradictory informations on the child condition. The young boy named Iban was transferred in emergency to Necker Child Hospital in Paris. Some hours ago the prognosis was extremely bad and it was announced that the young child was between life and death but just a few minutes ago it was announced that, thanks God, his life was out of danger which doesn't mean yet that he will recover in perfect condition.

It seems that the child who was doing the ride with his father fell over from the back of a POTC boat and then was hit by the next boat coming behind. The child was destabilized when the boat was moving to arrive at the load/unload station at the end of the ride, but before arriving to the unload station. "The child fell down and was blocked under the boat, under water" said Anne Chavarez the police chief in charge of the investigation "and was quickly removed by his father, other guests and DLP cast members who instantly sound the alert.  Editing: the same police chief declared that "the child seems to don't have noticeable injuries" - at least outside but he might have been hurt inside his body by the weight of the boat after he fell down. More infos coming soon.

What you need to know is that generally the boats arriving at the end of the ride are stopped for a few seconds waiting the unload of  guests from the boats ahead. Then the boat start to move again, a bit suddenly, and there is a small lift during which the boat goes up to the unload platform. Now, if you have a five years old child not sit in the boat and standing on the side instead than sitting in the center of the row then there is a real risk that what seems to have happened happen. Add to this that the boats may look light when you do the ride - because they're floating - but are in fact extremely heavy and you'll understand how dangerous it can be to fell down and be blocked under, specially if you're five years old. I don't know yet for sure if this is what exactly happened but considering that the accident happened at the end of the ride it might be the explanation of this terrible accident.

Although the ride itself is apparently not responsible for the accident, DLP management declared that the attraction "will be closed until further notice and we will fully collaborate with the authorities for their investigation". They added "We're deeply sad of the accident that happened this afternoon, and since we are at the side of the young Iban and his family".

Although others accident happened recently on others DLP attractions, including two on Big Thunder Mountain this is the first time that an accident happen at DLP Pirates of Caribbean. Disney and more wish to the young Iban the best possible recovery, as soon as possible. This accident also reminds us how important it is to have young children sit between their parents in the middle of a row and never on the sides of the boat, and that they stay sit until the complete stop of the boat.

Below, a video from the BFMTV News channel talking - in french - about the accident.

Pictures: copyright Disney

Disneyland Innoventions Thor : Treasures of Asgard Experience Video

Thor : Treasures of Asgard is opening today at Disneyland Innoventions but DL Annual Passholders had a  Preview and the first videos started to appear on youtube showing the full experience including the teleportation to Asgard and the meet and greet with Thor himself.

I was wondering how they will do the teleportation effect and it's done using mainly light effects, nothing sophisticated here, probably for  budget reasons or simply lack of time. The whole experience looks pleasant and there is a funny moment during the meeting with Thor when a young child try to pick-up thor's mighty hammer "Mjolnir" that Thor tosses around easily but the child - or any other guest - can't succeed to lift!

Have a look at the full Thor experience video below, filmed by Fresh Baked Disney.

Picture: copyright Andy Castro - Mice Chat

Video: copyright Fresh Baked Disney 

Disneyland Paris Update - Part One

Here we go for the DLP update of the week, always thanks to Max Fan, D&M contributor and Dlrp Welcome webmaster! In this first part we'll have a closer look with Max pictorial report to the new Halloween Cavalcade parade that everyone considers as the best novelty of this Halloween season.


Max also shot a new video of the full parade and here it is!

Don't miss tomorrow the part two of this DLP update with new pictures of the Ratatouille works and you'll be surprised to se what has changed since last week! In the meantime i remind to those of you looking for the FRENCh edition of the DLP book that until November 3 you can enjoy a special "Halloween" promo on the Disneyland Paris from Sketch to Reality book in its FRENCH collector's edition at 75 euros only and with FREE shipping! The offer is valid for anyone purchasing a copy of the french collector's edition and all you have to do is to send me your order by email at:

You can proceed to the payment and send the 75 euros by Paypal at the same email adress or pay by bank check ( if you're in France ) or bank transfer or even pay directly with your credit card through Paypal even if you don't have yet a Paypal account. For these three portions send me an email first and i'll let you know how to do. Don't miss this special offer as it is the best offer yet on the french collector's edition! 

As for the english edition it's always time to place your pre-order for a copy of the english normal edition at the best price ever, please see on the top of the right bar.

Version française:

Jusqu'au 3 Novembre profitez de la promo spéciale "Halloween" sur le livre Disneyland Paris, de l'Esquisse à la Création dans son édition collector française au prix de 75 euros ( au lieu de 120€ ) et économisez 15€ de plus avec les frais d'envois gratuits! L'offre est valable pour toute personne achetant un exemplaire de l'édition collector en français, quel que soit le pays ou vous habitez, et merci d'adresser votre commande par email à:

Vous pouvez régler les 75 euros par Paypal en envoyant le règlement de 75 euros à:  ou par chèque ( si vous êtes en France ) ou par virement bancaire ou même directement avec votre carte bancaire via Paypal même si vous ne possédez pas encore de compte Paypal. Pour ces trois options merci de m'envoyer un email et je vous donnerais la marche à suivre. L'exemplaire est envoyé en colissimo recommandé sous 48h. Ne manquez pas cette offre spéciale valable jusqu'au 3 Novembre!

Merci de ne pas utiliser le bouton Paypal situé à droite qui n'est PAS codé avec le prix de cette promo Halloween. Pour plus d'infos sur le livre et cette édition collector allez sur le site du livre ICI.

Pictures: copyright Max Fan - Dlrp Welcome

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

X-Men Days of the Future Past First Trailer !

20th Century Fox just released the first trailer of the new X-Men movie "Days of the Future Past" to be released in 2014, with an interesting script and directed by the brilliant Bryan Singer. Here it is!

Picture and video: copyright 20th Century Fox

Gary Goddard's " The Wonderful World of OZ " Theme Park Project

I did previously many tributes to Gary Goddard from the Goddard Group, one of the best theme park design company on the planet and you may have read my previous articles like the one about Michael Jackson Neverland theme park project or Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas, not to mention this other one about WDI artists who worked for Landmark Entertainment, Gary's company before he founded the Goddard Group. Now, you're probably aware that WDI has a "Land of OZ" project for the back of Disneyland Frontierland but it's not sure yet if this land designed by Imagineer Tony Baxter will be built or not. But did you know that Gary Goddard had in the 90's a Wonderful World of OZ theme park project for Kansas city? 

According to Gary's post on the Goddard Group Facebook page

"THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF OZ was a dream project. We knew we had a classic property that could become a theme park and a destination resort that could, if not rival Disney and Universal, certainly be a close 2nd or 3rd. But we were striving to make it the #1 family destination theme park in the country when we started our design concept. In my opinion, the work we did for THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF OZ was every bit as good as anything ever done at Disney or Universal. Beyond that, we were creating some new concepts that had never been done before, all based around the heart and soul of “The Wonderful World of Oz” as it was portrayed in the iconic MGM Motion Picture.

Once we had our initial concept and master plan, we did presentations for a number of people. Among them Harrison Price was brought into see the project and to render his professional opinion on whether it would make the grade or not. (Harrison Price is the legendary feasibility maven who helped get Disneyland financed originally and then went on to form ERA, working on hundreds if not thousands of projects thereafter -- he is considered one of the Deans of the Theme Park industry.) Well he saw our concept presentation and told the financiers “I have seen everything that has come down the pike since Disneyland and, without a doubt, this is the best project I have ever seen since Disneyland. This is a winner."

Gary Goddard describes the park's arrival experience: 

"One of the cool things about the park and how we designed it, was that you could enter the park in one of three ways: First, you could walk through the pastel-toned, almost black and white looking, Kansas street, turn a corner and walk “over the rainbow” to find yourself in Munchkinland. Second, you could actually venture out to The Gale Farmhouse for a tour, and while there you would find yourself in the midst of a terrible twister that will fly that house up into the air, and then land you in Munchkinland. Or Third, if you ventured to Professor Marvel’s Circus on the edge of town, you could fly up and away in one of his Great Balloons which would whisk you away to The Emerald City."

"The EMERALD CITY was home to several E-Tickets attractions, including the IMPERIAL WIZARD OF OZ SHOW, a production within an 800 seat theatre that would combine live performers and 3D film into a show unlike anything before it (until of course T2/3D -- which came a bit later.) 
There was also to be THE AERIAL ADVENTURES OVER OZ, the world’s first “flying” experience that would take you up and away in a massive OZ-styled AIRSHIP on an aerial tour of never-seen-before places from the Oz mythology.  Inside, we had the “Horse of A Different Color Carousel”, and the EMERALD CITY EXPRESS- a coaster experience designed to be a central form of transportation within The Emerald City."

"The HAUNTED FOREST – Home of the Wicked Witch of the West – this was an area where you had to travel through the “Haunted Forest” to reach the sinister Castle of the Witch. Signs are posted everywhere saying “I’d Turn Back If I were You” and “Stay Out” – as the canopy of the trees grows in size, they completely cover the walk way, allowing us to have a large open air “covering” over entire Haunted Forest area, making it an all-weather area of the park. It also allowed us to ensure that every visit to the Haunted Forest, even on the brightest sunny days, would become a “dark and shadowy” place for guests. The E-Tickets here included a FLYING MONKEY COASTER where you “fly” with the Monkey’s on a mission (inverted coaster), and BLACKWATER RAPIDS- a dark and foreboding river rafting ride through the Haunted Forest."

So, as you can see, this Wonderful World of OZ project would have made a real magical OZ theme park, and with a bit of luck this great project will become reality some day...
In the meantime make sure to have a look regularly at the Goddard Group Facebook page and to bookmark it as Gary is posting plenty of artwork of realized or not project which all looks great!

Pictures: copyright Goddard Group

Monday, October 28, 2013

Beauty and the Beast Musical At Last Playing in France !

It took 20 years since Beauty and the Beast musical started in the U.S to have the musical coming to France but that's it, the french version of the awarded musical is now on stage at Paris Theatre Mogador, where the Lion King played before. Bringing U.S musicals to France have always been difficult and originally Mogador was supposed to play a french version of the Mary Poppins musical. Finally it'll be Beauty and the Beast, and you know why? Because they didn't succeed to find the right voices for Mary Poppins!

Anyway, this french version of Beauty and the Beast looks not bad and you can see some excerpts on the video below. Choose to watch it in 720p definition!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Disneyland Paris Book FRENCH Collector's Edition "Halloween" Promo !!!

Entre aujourd'hui Dimanche 27 octobre et jusqu'au 3 Novembre profitez de la promo spéciale "Halloween" sur le livre Disneyland Paris, de l'Esquisse à la Création dans son édition collector française au prix de 75 euros ( au lieu de 120€ ) et économisez 15€ de plus avec les frais d'envois gratuits! L'offre est valable pour toute personne achetant un exemplaire de l'édition collector en français, quel que soit le pays ou vous habitez, et merci d'adresser votre commande par email à:

Vous pouvez régler les 75 euros par Paypal en envoyant le règlement à:  ou par chèque ( si vous êtes en France ) ou par virement bancaire ou même directement avec votre carte bancaire via Paypal même si vous ne possédez pas encore de compte Paypal. Pour ces trois options merci de m'envoyer un email et je vous donnerais la marche à suivre. L'exemplaire est envoyé en colissimo recommandé sous 48h. Ne manquez pas cette offre spéciale valable jusqu'au 3 Novembre!

Merci de ne pas utiliser le bouton Paypal situé à droite qui n'est PAS codé avec le prix de cette promo Halloween. Pour plus d'infos sur le livre et cette édition collector allez sur le site du livre ICI.

English version of the above text:

From today Sunday Oct 27 until November 3 you can enjoy a special "Halloween" promo on the Disneyland Paris from Sketch to Reality book in its FRENCH collector's edition at 75 euros only and with FREE shipping! The offer is valid for anyone purchasing a copy of the french collector's edition and all you have to do is to send me your order by email at:  

You can proceed to the payment and send the 75 euros by Paypal at the same email adress or pay by bank check ( if you're in France ) or bank transfer or even pay directly with your credit card through Paypal even if you don't have yet a Paypal account. For these three portions send me an email first and i'll let you know how to do. Don't miss this special offer as it is the best offer yet on the french collector's edition! 

As for the english edition it's still time to place your pre-order for a copy of the english normal edition, please see on the top of the right bar.

Universal Release Pictures of Hogwarts Express Being Placed on its track at Universal Orlando

Universal Studios released on their Facebook page pictures of the Hogwarts Express being placed on its track at Universal Orlando. The train experience, which will take guests from the new London/Diagon Alley to the original Hogsmeade area in Islands of Adventure, is rumored to give guests the feeling of traveling through the england countryside up to Hogwarts ( or return to London when it'll come back ) with plenty of surprises along the way.

On the pictures above and below you can see the iconic locomotive and train tender being placed onto a track which is currently backstage between Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Guests of Wizarding World of Harry Potter can see at the entrance of Hogsmeade a locomotive which is still currently there, but we don't know yet if this non working locomotive will remain once the Hogwarts Express will open next year.

Pictures: copyright universal Orlando

Disney Will Open Largest Disney Store Ever in Shanghai Early 2015

Disney announced last Friday they will build the largest Disney store on the planet in the Lujiazui district of Shanghai, a financial hub of the Asian city. The 53,000-square-foot retail destination will be the first to open in China and the only store in the world to include an outdoor plaza with Disney-themed landscaping.
"We are enormously proud to be building Disney's largest store in the world in China," said Stanley Cheung, executive vice president and managing director at the Walt Disney Co., Greater China. "Disney has combined the retail concept with storytelling, fun and innovation, and will provide families with a uniquely immersive entertainment destination featuring our best-loved stories and characters."
Targeted to open in early 2015, the store will offer the largest collection of Disney products by local and international designers, said Cheung, including favorite characters from across Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars stories and concepts.
"The addition of the store, the innovative design, and product and entertainment offerings will provide the Lujiazui area with a family-friendly destination focus point and will contribute to Shanghai's reputation and leadership as a family, business, cultural, entertainment and tourism destination," said Yang Xiao Ming, general manager of Shanghai Lujiazui (Group) Company Ltd., a developer of the district.
With the expansion of a plaza, the Disney Store Shanghai plans to host outdoor events and entertainment, Disney announced. It will also provide updates on the progress of Shanghai Disney Resort, which is scheduled to open at the end of 2015.

Picture: copyright Disney