Saturday, November 14, 2015

It's All About the Assembly Point

One more thought about what happened in Paris, and later tonight or tomorrow we'll be back to theme parks news.

As it happen in this kind of event a lot of people are saying "we're living in a world of nuts". Now, let me tell you this: NO, we are not, THEY are - the terrorists - and i'd like to take a minute or two to explain you a bit more about this.

Basically, we're all living on the same planet but not in the same mental space. It can be for cultural reasons - for instance an American and someone from India don't have the same cultural roots and don't "see" the world the same way - but the reality being quite the same everywhere we all join together in a global mental space where reasonable and rational people learn to live together. But there are other people - the crazy ones - who, for different reasons are seeing the world with a psychotic angle. They live on the same planet than us and live in the same material world but their mental space is as far as possible than ours. Their world is not rational, the logic of it is based on beliefs which don't have any sense, etc... and their "bubble of reality" can't connect with the one of rational and reasonable people.

Now, what really happened on Friday evening in Paris is that THEIR mental space has stormed inside OUR mental space, the one we share together. The goal being to drag us in their mental space, their "world of nuts" where all is about fear and power. Unfortunately, generally it works, just like it did in Sept 2001. But to succeed they have to do something so powerful for the mind that it will cause a move of what is called in chinese energetic medicine ( also known as acupuncture ) the "assembly point". What is the "assembly point"? Well, as you probably know chinese energetic medicine is based on what is called the energy canals in which is moving the "Chen" ( the energy ) and it's also where acupuncturist put their needles to de-block energetic knots which prevent the energy to flow as it should do ( i did acupuncture studies in a previous life so i know well what i'm talking about ).

Now, i'm not going to do a master class about acupuncture, but basically all these energies assemble together, creating an "invisible energetic body" - what christians call the "soul". There is multiple assembly points possible which are all based on the front of the body and they're located starting from just below the ombilicus and then more up to the top of the head including the famous one located on the forehead between the eyes - the "third eye" - where Hindus put their famous color powder. They are also called "chakras" in India. And depending of the assembly point - or chakra - where all your energies assemble you will "see" the world on a different way. The outside reality remain the same of course but the way you "see" the world in your mind will be completely different.

What the terrorists try to achieve is to blow up the place where is our assembly point to drag us in "their" world. And if the shock is strong enough it will succeed and your usual mental space will be so much disturbed that it will install panic. This is where the fear is coming from. And this is why it is so important to don't let them win the war of fear ...and succeed ( consciously or unconsciously ) to put back our assembly point where it was before. Most of the time we succeed to do it, but the disturbance generally left a trace. And sometime the traumatism shock is such that it moves the assembly point of the whole world, this is what happened on Sept 11 as, as we know, there has been a "before" and "after", and the world was not the same after Sept 11 ( always talking here about the mental vision of the world, not the material world ).

Anyway, all this to say that the battleground of this war is in fact not only in streets but also in our minds and this is probably where it is the most important to win the battle. And the best way to do it is to be rational. Yes, there have been terrorist attack in Paris, we had others before and there will be others in the future. But, no, there won't be attacks each day and the chances to die in a terrorist attack are still the lowest compared to others kind of death. What happened Friday evening is an unforgettable tragedy, but life must win, not death, and we have to learn to get out of it just like we do after a sleep during which we had a really bad nightmare. Sometime it takes hours to get out of a nightmare and here it's the same: it's just people who try to drag us in THEIR nightmare, and we must find in our mind the way out. It's a matter of survival, it's a matter of life winning over death.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Horror in Paris

A series of terrorists attacks happened in Paris tonight, leaving at least 120 people dead and probably dozens of people wounded. Attacks happened in different places almost simultaneously and it’s a horror. President François Hollande declared the emergency state all over France and borders are closed. It’s an unprecedented and the worst terrorist attacks that ever happened in France. These attacks are most probably coming from the Islamic state and jihadists who went in Syria / Iraq and came back to France. What was feared happened and the days and weeks to come are not at all going to be happy in France as the nation will mourn the victims and it will take time for the country to recover. Terrorism won’t win and democracy will prevail, there is no doubt about that, but in the meantime, fear will also prevail before anger comes in. Which is exactly what the terrorists - who are there to spread terror - are looking for.

Disney and more is not really the place to debate about this insane terrorist problem and its roots - French excellent newspaper Le Monde posted yesterday one of the best article i’ve ever read about this - but i just would like to say this: before being terrorists, before being murderers, monsters, etc…, the terrorists who did this carnage this evening in Paris are before anything completely dumbs, unbelievably stupids. They don’t know anything about what life is made of, and they probably will never know. Now, put a Kalashnikov in the hands of someone completely dumb and frustrated with his life, add on it some crazy ideology and here is what you’ve got, a bloodbath with 120 people killed when they just went out of their home to enjoy music in a concert hall or a drink in some of Paris charming cafes. It’s quite easy to fight back with guns other people with guns, but it’s much less easy to fight back stupidity. This is where the real problem is, and it’s not gonna be an easy task. 

All my love and prayers are with tonight victims and their families.  

Shanghaî Disneyland Fantasia Carousel Update

A short Shanghaî Disneyland update with this animated video showing the Fantasia Carousel, a unique kind of carousel for SDL to be located in front of the castle in the Gardens of Imagination. As indicated in the title the carousel will pay tribute to Fantasia and right from the entrance guests will see statues inspired by fantasia characters like this one above of the hippo. But it's in the carousel itself that guests will find the most Fantasia characters with the famous horse's from the Olympus that we can see in the Beethoven symphony sequence.

Interesting variation on the carousel theme, i'll be pleased to see how it looks in real8 And now, here is the short animated video.

Pictures and video: copyright Disney - Shendi

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Buildings Of Walt Disney World Main Street U.S.A Poster - Artwork by Chris Buchholz

Remember Chris Buchholz who did this awesome WDW Attraction and Transportation Vehicles poster earlier this year? I mean : this poster:

Well Chris is back with a new poster, as awesome as the previous one and this one shows the buildings of Walt Disney World Main Street U.S.A!

Chris Buchholz did it with the same level of perfection and i'm sure a lot of you will enjoy the work. Now the good news is that this 24" x 36" poster printed on heavy mat paper is currently being printed which means that this time those of you who want to order one for $35 won't have to wait to get it as shipping is scheduled to start on November 27! It surely will make a great Christmas gift for any Disney fan!

Below, some close-up shots of the poster and to order one jump to Chris' Easy store HERE.

Pictures: copyright Chris Buchholz

Tangled: The Musical Preview Aboard Disney Magic With Three New Songs From Alan Menken

The awaited new “Tangled: The Musical” - presented exclusively aboard the Disney Magic beginning Nov. 14 - had a preview aboard the Disney Magic on Wednesday in Miami and the nearly one-hour long performance had an ovation.

Even more important, three new songs have been specially written for the musical by the great Alan Menken. The opening number with Flynn Rider is the first of the new songs.  It's titled “Flower of Gold” and the scene takes place in the Treasure Room of the Royal Palace and summarize the opening events of the original film.

Next is the humorous “Wanted Man” song, opening scene 3 with Flynn Rider when “When She Returns” is opening Scene 8 with Rapunzel, Flynn and the townsfolk.

If you're planning a cruise aboard the Disney Magic don't miss “Tangled: The Musical”, and in the meantime have a look at the three videos above and below showing each new song!

Picture and video: copyright Disney

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Shanghaî Disneyland Pirates of Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure Update

Here is a short Shanghaî Disneyland update as new pictures linked to the Pirates of Caribbean " Battle for the Sunken Treasure" ride appeared on the web, and these three pictures are showing both the two pirate ships decor as well as the Imagineers crew who are building the ride!

The first picture above shows clearly the two pirate ships ready for battle and guests in the ride boat will move right between the two galions so SDL guests will have the feeling to be caught "under fire" from these two ships. Also note that water is now present. Talking about the ride boat, the next picture below is the very first one showing it - here with the WDI crew standing on it. Now, as you can see the boat doesn't look at all like the usual POTC boats and this might confirm that they'll use a new technology allowing the boat to turn left or right to be right in front of some scenes if needed. The picture is not sharp because the original pic that i've found was in really small size and i didn't succeeded to find the source and get it in bigger size. So, i've upscaled the picture a bit so you can see the boat a bit more clearly, if i can say.

This last picture showing all the SDL POTC Imagineers crew standing between the two ships is also interesting as if you look behind them you'll see that the track is turning left, which seems to confirm that the boat will move inside the pirate ship on the left.

I'll have more about SDL Treasure Cove for you very soon, so make sure to check D&M each day!

Pictures : copyright Disney - Shendi

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

First Teaser and New Poster for Pixar "Finding Dory" !

A first teaser trailer as well as the new poster above have been released for Pixar "Finding Dory", the animated sequel to Finding Nemo!

Picture and video : copyright Pixar

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Disneyland Paris Christmas Season Begins - HD Videos of All Christmas Events !

Disneyland Paris Christmas season started yesterday and Max, D&M contributor and DLP Welcome webmaster has as usual great pictures and videos for you, showing what you must not miss if you go to the park this Christmas season.

But today marks also the start of the Christmas Special Offer on my Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book, in its English updated edition or in French collector's edition. And believe me you won't find a better Christmas gift for a Disney theme park fan!

From now until December 22 you can order the book at the special price of 60€ or 75€ for a signed copy ( + 15€ shipping worldwide, except for Belgium or Italy for which shipping is 29€ ). You can pay by Paypal, credit card or bank transfer ( or by check for French bank account only ) and if you have a Paypal account you can send the total amount, including shipping, directly to:

For all orders or if you want to pay with credit card, bank transfer or check, please send me an email at: and let me know if you want an english or french edition, and if you order a signed copy at what name you wish the book to be dedicated.

And now, on with the show, and Max DLP Christmas season update!

November 7 was the start of the Christmas season for Disneyland Paris guests though all activities are presented from November 14 to January 7. Right now guests can enjoy the Disney Christmas Parade, the Christmas tree lighting ceremony , Disney Dreams! of Christmas or the greet and meet with Santa Claus.

This year we are happy to find the Christmas decorations whether on Main Street train station, Central Plaza and of course all along Main Street. The decorations on the front side of Main Street Station hide a bit the needed scaffoldings during its renovation...

...though they are clearly visible on the other side on Town Square.

The giant 24 meters high Christmas tree is back in the center of Town Square!

On Central Plaza the Mickey, Minnie, Donal and Goofy snowmen are now in place...

DLP visitors will enjoy as usual enjoy the Disney Christmas Parade, with this year new costumes.

Max has two different videos of the Disney's Christmas Parade for us! Please note that all videos are in HD so make sure to watch them in 1080P definition!

This second video is filmed from a different point of view, from Central Plaza with the parade going back to Fantasyland. According to Max its seems that there is one float less than last year in this 2015 Christmas parade.

Let's have a look now a the renovations here and there starting by the one of It's a Small World as the center part of the facade is now visible. The ride will reopen on December 19.

At Frontierland it's a totally different story as the long renovation of Big Thunder Mountain, the Rivers of the Far-West and its geysers will last until January 2017 and right now the lake is surrounded by fences avoiding that DLP guests see the lake which empty little by little.

However, note that Disney use wisely Riverboat Landing pier for the queue of Mister Jack meet and greet.

Now, later in the afternoon, there is also the regular « Disney Magic on Parade » which is unchanged, though the parade loses a vehicle, reducing the parade to only six floats.

More happen after sunset and this next video shows you the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, with Mickey, Minnie, Santa Claus and Carols singers, and it's called "Mickey's Magical Christmas Lights"

And this last video will show you the short Sleeping beauty Castle Illumination Ceremony happening just before the Disney Dreams! show in its Christmas version.

Last but not least, DLP gusts will also be able to meet Mickey and Minnie at the Walt Disney Studios, more about Christmas at the WDS in a future update.

See you soon for a new DLP update and in the meantime don't forget to place your order for your copy of the Disneyland Paris book as soon as you can as shipping specially for foreign countries can take some time, specially in this Christmas season and i'm sure you want to make sure that you'll receive it before Christmas day!

The Christmas Special Offer on my Disneyland Paris "From Sketch to Reality" book, is for the English updated edition or the French collector's edition. And until December 22 you can order the book at the special price of 60€ or 75€ for a signed copy ( + 15€ shipping worldwide, except for Belgium or Italy for which shipping is 29€ ).

You can pay by Paypal, credit card or bank transfer ( or by check for French bank account only ) and if you have a Paypal account you can send the total amount, including shipping, directly to: or use the Paypal one click button below.

For all orders or if you want to pay with credit card, bank transfer or check, please send me an email at: and let me know if you want an english or french edition, and if you order a signed copy at what name you wish the book to be dedicated.

Make sure to check the video below which presents the whole book, page by page!

All pictures and videos: copyright Max Fan, DLPWelcome