I've got a Universal Studios Beijing update for you today with pictures and new artworks, so here we go! On the plan above Universal Beijing is on the top right, opposite to it on the lower center left is a Volcano Bay water park, on the left of it is a City Walk, and on the top left is Universal Beijing second gate, and plenty of hotels here and there, see where will be what on the picture below.

You can find back the same areas / parks / hotels on the model picture below. Click on it to see it in big size, first park is always on the top right. Below, excerpts of a longer description for each land posted by our friends of Theme Parx. I strongly recommend to read the full description with more details HERE.

So, so far, the supposed "lands" of the first park are:
Entrance Plaza/Hollywood: Similar to Universal Japan, guests enter the park by walking through a canopied walkway lined with stores. A walkway leads out to the Hollywood-themed area of the park - straight ahead is the central lagoon.
Jurassic World area can be seen from across the lagoon. Jurassic World’s centerpiece mountain is conspicuous especially with its large waterfall flowing into the lagoon. Entering this area from Hollywood you first see on the right a large mountain connected to a large glass dome. Continuing past the mountain and glass dome is a restaurant on the left and then another one on the right connected to the mountain. Straight ahead is a large rectangular building for the area’s second ride. A rumored attraction for the area is a ride based on the Gyrosphere found in the Jurassic World movies - assuming this Gyrosphere ride is indoors, this is likely the location of the ride.
WaterWorld: Dedicated themed area for the stunt show, similar, if not identical show to what is currently at Universal’s existing theme parks in Hollywood, Singapore, and Japan.
Kung Fu Panda: Universal’s first entirely indoor area. This area has one entrance/exit on the left that comes from the Transformers area and on the other side is the other entrance/exit that comes from WaterWorld. The theme of this area is likely Po's village, the hometown to many of the movies’ main characters.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade: Located on the east-most area of the park - Almost identical design to the equivalent area at Universal Studios Japan with Hogsmeade Village, Flight of the Hippogriff , Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The entrance near Hogsmeade Village is located between Jurassic World and Minion area.
Transformers: Guests entering from that area walk under a large steel roller coaster with the exact same layout as Hulk at Universal’s Islands of Adventure in Orlando. Once crossing under the coaster, to the left is the entrance of the coaster. Straight ahead is a restaurant and a large indoor ride assumed to be Transformers: The Ride 3D.
Minions plus additional IPs: Area themed entirely to Despicable Me movies (Minions) in southeast corner of the park between Hollywood and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Minion Park not same design as the same area at Universal Studios Japan. At the back of the area is an indoor ride, assumed to be Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem - Large indoor building themed to Super Silly Fun Land sticks out of area into the park’s lagoon and inside is at least one ride - a small kiddie coaster.
Again, read the full description for each land with more details on Themeparx HERE Also, as you've seen on the park map above they have plenty of land available on the right for future expansions.

As you'll see on the pictures below construction is going on at high speed now after months if not years of pics of the land without nothing going on. Now, cranes are all around and we're back n the kind of views that we saw when Shanghaî Disneyland was under construction!

We've got too some new renderings, supposedly showing the design of part of the Jurassic World area. Sorry, they're not sharp but they were in small dimensions and it's the best i could get...

Here is a 3D rendering for one ofurassic World restaurants. You find back the top domes that we can see on the artwork above.

On the picture below you can clearly see The Mummy area with its Ancient Egypt theming.

Next artwork shows most probably the hotel located at the entrance of the first park.

Below, some concept-arts for Minion Park and Super Silly Fun Land areas.

We're not done yet as, like at Universal Orlando, a river will run through Universal Beijing Resort, outside the parks, with plenty of different gardens and trees. Here are some renderings for it.

Universal Beijing is supposed to open in 2020, 2021 if there is some delay, in the meantime follow the latest news about it on Themeparx HERE.
Pictures: copyright Universal Beijing
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