I know, we're all overdosed of Michael Jackson news, but the two videos you will watch below are just fascinating. Why? Because these home videos filmed at Neverland more or less 10 years ago shows a Michael Jackson like we never saw him before. A "Normal" guy with his children, if i can say. In this first rare home movie released for the first time today, Michael is here with his two first children - Prince and Paris - and apparently it was filmed for Paris birthday. I can't stop thinking that if the world would have seen this video before, may be he wouldn't have been considered as a "freak" by the rest of the world...
On this second video, the first part is also at Neverland (with a huge kind-of Disneyland castle in the living room!) - and the second part is at Disneyland Paris in his DLP Hotel suite with Mickey, Baloo etc... The video quality is so and so, but it was shoot before the digital era!
First video: copyright Splash news
He's still a freak. The children aren't biologically his. You need to step away from everything about him save for some excellent music. He has my pity, but not my admiration. He was a child molester, plain and simple.
Listen, the truth is there has been no proofs that he was a child molester. If it has been really the case he would have been in jail. If they never sent him in jail, it's because there was no evidences that he was one, it's just as simple as that.
I can understand that you still think he was one, but find me the proofs, and i will believe it, but not without any proofs. EVEN if he looks freak. That's not a proof that he was a child molester.
Excuse me, who the hell are you to judge him, did you know him, did you see it happen!? I don't freaking think so get of his damn back and realize that he was innocent. http://www.youtube.com/user/lindsayrae20#p/f/52/wlXRJfv-AYo
Watch that and see if it doesnt change your perception a bit. Plus the other four that go with it.
Lindsay Rae
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