What you see above is Tangled french poster, "Raiponce" being - i suppose - the french translation or the french title for "Rapunzel". The only problem is that "Raiponce" means probably nothing for the french audience as the tale is not known here, in France. Even worst, if you talk to someone in France and ask him what Raiponce means he will think that you're talking about the word "Réponse" which means "answer" in French. And i'm ready to bet that in a few months from now everyone in France will joke on the title or will ask who the hell is responsible for choosing such a bad title.
I can understand that it's the original french title of the novel but, honestly, it's probably the worst movie title i've seen since a looong time... I must add that i don't have high expectations on this new Disney animated movie. I'm sure the animation and backdrop paintings will be brilliant but so far i don't "feel" it - but i'm ready to change my opinion if i see really exciting material from this "Raiponce". In the meantime, if you've not seen yet the first trailer, here it is below.
Add hat tip to Blue Sky Disney from where the poster picture is coming from!
Picture and video: copyright Disney
pour une fois, je trouve cet article et la reflexion un peu bête. Le conte même s'il n'est pas tres populaire reste connu en France et dans qq mois, tout le monde connaitra RAIPONCE au meme titre que Mulan ou Pocahontas... a part peut-être qq enfants de 5 ans qui s'amuseront les premiers jours a repondre "question!" après avoir dit "Raiponce...".
Le film (que j'ai vu en partie car pas fini) s'annonce superbe et signera je l'espere, un vrai retour de Disney (sans Pixar) dans l'animation. Le choix du sujet est en tout cas plus que bien choisi...
I have to agree with the other comment. I think Raiponce in French may not be well-known, at least it's related to the movie when sometimes title translation can be silly and loose all its meaning (1001 pattes ?!)
I'm not sure Mulan meant anything to those who didn't know about the movie before it went out and maybe it was the object of a few jokes but after, everybody knows it refers to a Disney movie. Say "Aladdin" in a school and everybody starts singing "Ce rêve bleu" (a whole new world in French - here is another silly translation).
I bet that this title thing won't be discussed any long in January. But thanks for the poster and the trailer anyway ;)
Everything is a homophone in French. I'm sure you will find a way to live with this one as well.
I am French and I know the "Raiponce" fairytale since kindergarten. It is maybe not as popular as Snow white or Cinderella, but i think this is mainly because Disney never did a movie about it. Even in Europe most of the fairytales are known trough their Disney adaptation, so now that Disney has done a movie about "Raiponce", the character will certainly be as famous as other princesses...
If you think Raiponce is a bad title, have a look at the German one: Rapunzel - neu verföhnt. It´s hard to translate, sinec "verföhnt" is not even a proper word, but it means sth like "newly mis-blowdried" - completely ridiculous, everyone I know is shaking their head in desbelief, even magazines have already commented on that insane title.
Je suis habitué à ce fait marrant depuis le Pays des Contes de Fées.
Do you have more news about DLP's 20th anniversary?
The person two posts up has a point — There is a "Raiponce" in Le Pays des Contes de Fées. I knew it sounded familiar! It should be familiar to you as well then, Alain.
I completely agree with the first Tom comment.
I'm frecnh and everything in frecnh is a homophone.
I totally prefer to have Raiponce for title that a traduction of Tangled or worst Tangled in english or Raiponce in english (Rapunzel.)
I never understand why they changed the title wich was Rapunzel in english for Tangled.
When you make a fairytale keep the fairytale title. It seems to me logical. ^^
My vote also: Raiponce is what the title should be. Not whatever the French translation for "Tangled" is.
Cheers - Tasman
Raiponce is actually the right title, and much more accurate than just "Tangled" (where is the princess in that?)! And moreover, we actually already know the name, especially kids, because of "Barbie, princesse Raiponce" aka "Barbie as Rapunzel".
Oh and by the way, Rapunzel is initially the name of a flower whose name in French is... Raiponce.
Oh and just me asking : for The Little Mermaid, would you have prefered the title "Beached" or "Ariel" ?
Please, before writing about what will people think, just ask them !
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