Something pretty surrealistic happened yesterday as Tinker Bell got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And so what, you ask? Well, precisely, the simple fact that we're not anymore surprised that a fictitious character gets his own star on a "walk of fame" created to celebrate the memory of real actors/directors, etc... is revealing how fiction and reality are mixed together in the world we're living.
Personally i don't see any problem with this - after all, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, Snow White, Winnie the Pooh and many more fictitious characters already have their own star on the Walk of Fame. And as i've always believed that Hindus are right when they say that "everything is illusion" so, what is really real and what is not?...and why not a star for Tinker Bell on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!
Anyway, enough philosophy, here are some shots of the event, with a cute "real" Tinker Bell!
Pictures: copyright Disney
Talk about "Endless Love", hey Tink I will be your Peter Pan!
Very funny, I saw the star yesterday evening and I read now that it is new.
Je trouve ça totalement justifié. Une étoile sur le Walk of Fame ne récompense pas le talent. Mais c'est un distinction remise par la chambre du commerce de L.A pour contribution exeptionnel à l'industrie du divertissemnt. Donc les personnages de fiction y ont totalement leur place et surtout Clochette, qui est presque devenu un symbole de Disney. Par contre une question me taraude pourquoi Minnie, personnage mythique s'il en est, n'a pas d'étoile ? Whoody Woodpeker en a une et pourtant il est bien moins connu;
Fairytastic :)
how was it that it was determined what Tinker bell went out to the walk of fame to except the award and take pictures with the award and star?
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