After the making-of videos of the Visionarium attraction that i posted two days ago and the debate in the comments about the differences between the DLP and WDW versions, i thought it might be interesting to have a look at the Tokyo Disneyland version of the show.
Also an extinct attraction at TDL, The show cas called "Visionarium "From time to Time", i.e the DLP and WDW attraction titles put together. As a matter of fact the movie was the same version than the one we had in Paris - including the sequence with Gerard Depardieu which was deleted at WDW - and also featured the same music than the DLP version. But the pre-show movie - part one of the videos below - had a lot of differences so don't miss this one. Of course, all is in Japanese language but that's not the problem as we all speak Japanese, don't we? (just kidding).
Below, a picture of the WDI Timekeeper model. And i have a little gift for you after the videos, so don't go away, and enjoy the show!
Here is a little gift for you with a perfect scan of the "Conference on the Future" poster - by artist Darren Gilford - which was inside the pre-show area of the Visionarium attraction at DLP and related to the "conference" that Jules Verne and H.G Wells are supposed to have...
...before Verne being sent into the future by NineEye. The flying car in which you see Verne in the last sequence, flying over Paris and the Eiffel Tower, was displayed at the entrance of the show at DLP. It was called the "Reinastella" and designed by Renault, the car manufacturer, and the Imagineers. Depending of the versions it was a french or american or, like in the TDL videos, a japanese family supposedly from the audience who were "teleported" inside the car to join Jules Verne in the final scene.
Pictures: copyright Disney
Thanks for the post and artwork - I had forgotten that Tokyo had this show for a time.
J'ai une pensée tres emue pour cette attraction ou j'ai travaillé pendant 3 mois lors d'un job d'été. TK etait vraiment plus qu'un robot ! C'etait vraiment un collegue.. C'etait genial de pouvoir le voir bouger et s'articuler de la sorte. La bande originale, les decors, le scenario, les acteurs, tout y est superbe !
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