Hong Kong Disneyland opened a brand new shop in Main Street U.S.A and it is called "Victorian Collections". The shop is located on the east side of Main Street and was built between two existing shops. One of the existing shop next to it, the Curiosity Shop, is owned by someone named "Victoria", and chances are that in WDI storyline this new "Victorian Collection" shop is an extention of the other shop owned by Victoria.
The reason why they've built this shop is of course to link the two previously existing shops. From what i've been told HKDL wants to manage more easily the merchandise business on Main Street, because the Emporium and Curiosity Shop are separated, and some of the merchandisings are overlapping to each other. Victorian Collections is making the link and now two shops are becoming one. It's interesting to know that in HKDL Main Street backstory the street is divided into two sides, the left one is "the American residents" and the right one is "the new immigrants". That is the reason why HKDL still have the Indian Native Statue on Main Street in tribute to the harmony of Americans in 1900's.
Apparently, Victorian Collections doesn't have yet many exclusive goods but this should change anytime soon and this new shop is not temporary and is here to stay. That said, i'll have to see it by myself to be sure that its exterior style fits well with the others Main Street shops and, to say the truth, so far i'm not totally convinced. But the interior theming looks good, so let's have a look at it with "day and night" pictures.
Among the items you can see in the shop are old newspapers and magazines all with Main Street official date: 4th Aug, 1898. Very unfortunately you can't buy them, they're here only as part of the shop theming.
See you soon for more news of HKDL, and in the meantime, don't miss the great HKDL Wallpapers HD App for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch!
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Pictures: copyright Disney and more
The exterior is almost not themed if you asked me...
Ha! I see what they did with the windows. Clever how we can see Rafiki and the Beast.
So where there no protests agains this?!
It look awful and why did they put this in such a nice location?!
Bad show, really bad show... :(
That looks dreadful, like a modern mall-version of Disney architecture. Plus the loss of the side-street really must make their Main Street look and feel unbalanced! It looks a bit better inside, like World's Fair architecture from the 1900s, but even there it is way too heavy--not light enough. Who are the Imagineers screwing things up like this? Or, like the first version of California Adventures, was this not really done by real Imagineers? Craig Svonkin
I didn't wanted to give my real feeling about it in the article, but i agree, it's an incredible ( and unexplainable ) mistake. Hard to believe. Hopefully HKDL will realize the mistake and remove it in the future...
If someone had wanted to destroy the architectural harmony of HKDL Main Street he wouldn't have done better!
Yes :(
When I first saw it, I thought "is it April's Fools day already"... HKDL looks so good, from what I've seen and heard, the park must be really nice, the theming very good. I hope this is something temporary?!
This is really horrible!
I am really surprised that a styling mistake of this kind is possible in Mainstreet. Apart that the exterior misses atmosphere, the curved shape does not fit with the more angular looks of the other buildings. In addition, the material differs significantly (metal look instead of wood) and placing is incorrect (too much in the front) also doing no justice to the bay window of the neighbouring building. I hope this is replaced soon.
Regards, Marco
OMG, this looks like something from The Onion. This is HORRIBLE! Who thought this was a good idea, all of those facades in the center street are now gone, hidden by a hideous, poorly designed, structure that looks like something from a 1990's shopping mall renovation. Sad and pathetic. Yet another reason never to visit HKD.
UGLY store!
I'm just so surprised by this new addition. A lot of time and study were put into HKDL's Mainstreet. A lot of older design problems with WDW's Mainstreet, which was the model here, were corrected for HKDL. If you were to design a metal canopy over the street the Victorian or French Art Nouveau period rivited steel framing should have been used to complement what exists in Mainstreet. Those windows look like bad plastic replicas. I hope this did not come from WDI California?
I think that the model for HKDL Main Street was the original DL Main Street, not WDW.
No more Center Street..........
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