The Mandalorian final Episode is now released on Disney + and it is an awesome finale! Here is a short review about it, and a big Warning! as there IS storyline spoilers below!
The previous episode ended on a serious cliffhanger with scout troopers capturing baby Yoda and the death of Mando's friend. The Episode 8, and the last one, so, open with the same scout troopers on their speederbike for a short but memorable talking scene, the kind of scene that you usually see in Tarantino movies! But first, before i forget, a good news as this final episode last 49 minutes instead of 30 / 35 min for the previous episodes!
So, baby Yoda is in the hands of the enemies, but someone - or should i say something is coming to save him to bring him back to the Mandalorian - great scene, by the way. Unfortunately baby Yoda don't find himself in a better place as The Mandalorian and his friends are stuck inside a building with Moff Gideon - played by Giancarlo Esposito - and literally dozens of heavy armed storm troopers and death troopers outside waiting for them to surrender. This last episode also bring precious revelations about the Mandalorian heartbreaking backstory - he was orphaned after his parents were killed during a droid attack and saved/adopted by the Mandalorians, and his real name - Din Djarin - and yes, you'll see at last The Mandalorian face but don't count on me to post a screen capture of it here. All these were good answers to questions that have built over eight episodes and lighted the enigmatic character. But we still don't know baby Yoda's name...
The characters succeed to escape from the place they were besieged by the troopers and soon after we find them with the Armorer - a great piece of dialogue is happening with the Armorer telling Mando that The Child and him are now "a clan of two." The escape through a river of lava is memorable before one of the characters sacrificing himself to save others ( no, not the one you might think of ) and a great final exploding battle with Moff Gideon revealing that he possesses the Darksaber.
Taika Waititi is the one who directed this episode and he did a great job on this finale, with the help of a good script. And now a good news for you, Mandalorian fans as, as soon as this final episode was released on Disney +, Jon Favreau announced that The Mandalorian Season 2 will be available on Disney + Fall 2020! As for what will be the storyline and where the Mandalorian and baby Yoda will go in the season 2, you also have big hints about it in this great final episode of the season 1!

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