There is something new at Disneyland Paris Frontierland and each guest who will board on the Molly Brown riverboat for a Rivers of the Far-West cruise will be able to see it! As you may know the Mark Twain is now in a long refurbishment, a bit like what happened to the Molly Brown last year. And to hide the boat during the refurbishment DLP Imagineering had the idea to build a themed cover looking like a riverside warehouse-type building. Actually it's not a wooden structure but a printed scrim, probably to allow to remove it when necessary, after refurbishments. It's located in the back of Frontierland and on the right before the riverboat turns to move towards the geysers. Although it's not a real wooden boat house, seen from a distance the illusion should work.
But this boat house is also a tribute to two major Frontierland Imagineers, Jeff Burke - who was Frontierland show-producer - and Pat Burke - the WDI Imagineer who found all these great genuine antiques that you can see all around Frontierland and which gives to the land its unique theming. That's why you can read Burke & Burke, specialized in "Boat repairs and supplies" on the front. Pat Burke also sent me this little description which fits perfectly:
"In Thunder Mesa you will find the Burke & Burke Boat House where repairs and maintenance are performed on the Mark Twain and Molly Brown. Supplies are also offered for all the river pilots and some well known rogues operating there. Located near the Thunder Mesa Railroad Line just ahead of the station, allows needed repair lumber to be transported by rail right to the facility. Needed forging and smithing on the ships, is also found at Rose's Blacksmith not to far away in town. The BTM Mining Company's Minneapolis traction engine, parked at Rose's, has been used to pull and winch the ships into the front facility entrance on occasion to avoid damaged to the building and ship. The Molly Brown just completed an extensive overhaul there, and the quality of their work can be appreciated by all guests who visit or reside at Thunder Mesa."
Mind you, this is not the only place where you can find tribute to DLP Imagineers and next time you'll walk down Main Street don't miss the "Dentist in training window" as the five names on the window are the ones of DLP show-producers of each land of the park!
Pictures: copyright Romain - Disney Gazette
I love it, especially the use of Imagineers' names, that's the sort of thing I love about DLP.
Love it too, it's so great to see they pay attention to these things (again).
They should make this from real wood, not temporary, I think it is beautiful, it adds to the atmosphere!
I noticed this on our last visit (May7th/8th) when doing a round trip of the railroad. Ironically, I couldn't remember seeing it before but wasn't sure. The fact it seemed like it has always been there just affirms that it is very well placed and designed.
A very nice touch! It certainly does add to the atmosphere.
Like Peep, I also love the use of the imagineers names. Its something admire across all the Disney resorts, thanking the people who have worked putting it all together.
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