Here are some thoughts on the HKDL Iron Man Experience simulator ride as someone on Mice Age - who reposted all in one my three articles you saw last week - asked how the Iron Man ride could be a simulator ride more advanced than Star Tours.
In fact, where they could have a more advanced simulator ride - if we except a new and smoother generation of simulators - would be to have everything that Star Tours have PLUS in-theater effects. For instance they did in Storm Rider at TDS in-theater effects with a missile - supposedly launched by us and which comes back "in boomerang" because of the hurricane - which suddenly upsurge INSIDE the shuttle, as well as rain effect always inside the simulator - yes, it's really raining upon guests in Storm Rider! For the Iron Man ride WDI could create different kind of in-theater effects but what i'm saying is that we could have at the end something which could be a mix of Star Tours 2 for his digital / 3D / random scenes technology with Storm Rider for its in theater effects...
And, talking about rain effect, guess what? If we look at this other rendering supposedly showing a scene of the ride we can see storm lightning in the sky. And generally, when there is lightning, rain is not far...
If you've never ride Storm Riders watch the video below. It'll be hard to see the rain effect but at 3.15 min you'll see the upsurge of the missile in the shuttle - although it's better to watch the video from the start to understand why this happen.
Pictures: copyright Disney
Video: copyright Theme Park Review
Everytime I see the image, it reminds me of Wreck It Ralph! The bugs are almost the same!
Well, it sounds "ok", but as I didn't care much for the Stormrider attraction, I hope they will do better than that. The seems of the screen are so visible there, I didn't believe it at all.
Sure, some "in-simulator" effects are nice, but I hope this Iron Man attraction be be a little bit more than Star Tours with some extra effects...
I completely agree with you Tom.
IMO they should have used a ride system similar to Ratatouille, that would have been much better, but a simulator is not bad also if they susrprise us a little.
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