Oh-Ho, it seems we have an unexpected scoop about Shanghaî Disneyland in this interview of Suzanne Todd, one of the new Alice in Wonderland movie "Through the Looking Glass" producers, when she says in a Collider interview, talking about one of the new movie decors:
"TODD: We built this incredible town of Wit’s End that I’m sure will show up in a Disney Park soon, and you’ll get to see it in its full glory. Yeah, Shanghai! Shanghai actually has this very cool Aliceland, the one that’s opening in June of 2016. All of Fantasyland in Shanghai, the one that’s opening now, is all Alice in Wonderland-themed with mazes and hedges and painting the roses red. It’s pretty amazing.
COLLIDER: I think Disney should invite us.
TODD: Yes, we should all go. Shanghai 2016! There’s a second version of Shanghai in the second wave of them building stuff that will be four or five years later where they’ll have the ride that lines up with what happens in this movie, which is super exciting."

The full Collider interview in which Suzanne Todd says more about the movie is extremely interesting too so i suggest you to read it HERE.
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