Disney has released a new clip from John Carter - previously "of Mars". This one is showing Woola, half dog-half geeko, who considers John Carter as his master since he was the first one to save his life, These animals can move incredibly fast and have a mouth with dangerous razor teeth.
That said, and although Disney marketing is tring its best to promote the film, the news are not very good as early box-office tracking estimates for the film are extremely weak. As it is said in a Daily Beast article: “The geek generation isn’t responding. It’s too weird for the family audience. Then it has the Disney brand and PG-13? I’m not sure who it’s for,” says a rival studio executive who requested anonymity for fear of burning bridges in Hollywood". And it's true that what we've seen so far from the movie reminds a bit of others well known movies including Star Wars, Avatar, Gladiator, Prince of Persia, etc, etc... So, some are afraid that John Carter could be a massive failure just like "Ishtar" was 25 years ago (Ishtar being, with Waterworld, always the reference in terms of total failure at the box office).
In two weeks we'll be able to have our own judgement on Andrew Stanton movie but i, personally, still trust Stanton's talent and still hope that the movie will be good.
Picture and video: copyright Disney
Yes, a lot of elements in the trailers *very* clearly remind of Avatar, Star Wars etc. Of course that´s partly because "a princess of mars" had a massive influence on these movies - but that does not change the fact that many people might perceive JC as a rip-off. If I had been responsible for the trailers, I would have carefully avoided scenes that remind of Avatar. Still, talk that it may be the next Ishtar is ridiculous - nobody knows anything in marketing, and I still remember the shockwaves that the first (horrible) Avatar trailer created, everybody was sure the movie ("Smurfs in Space?") would fail *big* - and as far as I can tell, it has made a buck or two...
I only hope they show it in 2D at my local multiplex - 3D just feels so wrong in this case...
I say one of the problems is the titel, at least here in the Netherlands nobody has ever heard of Johnn Carter, and when I asked around, most thought it was a boring movie about some president.. I myself am looking forward to it, I just love adventure movies, but the title had me second guessing it when I first heard about this movie,
Have to wait and see...
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