These extremely rare color pictures of the 20000 Leagues Under the Sea exhibit which opened at Disneyland Tomorrowland in 1955 and in which were displayed the original decors from the 1954 movie are View-Master pictures. Photos of the DL 20000 Leagues exhibit - specially in color and in this definition quality - are almost impossible to find and it's thanks to Todd Popp that i am able today to share them with you. These 20000 Leagues Under the Sea exhibit photos were released by View-Master in 1955. At that time color photography was not as common as it became later and while Todd was doing his research for his upcoming book, he learned that View-Master was one if not the only licensee permitted to photograph Disneyland at its opening in 1955. View-master then released sets of View-Master packets which at the start were sold exclusively at Disneyland as "Park Souvenirs".
Below, a picture showing the entrance of the 20000 Leagues Under the Sea exhibit in Tomorrowland in 1960.
The next picture is a Tom Scherman and David Holman artwork showing the different rooms of the exhibit.
On the left after the entrance was displayed a Nautilus model that was used in the film, in front of a Vulcania matte painting by Peter Ellenshaw...
...and on the right the first decor that Disneyland guests could see was the Nautilus wheelhouse.
One of the highlight of the exhibit was of course Captain Nemo Grand Salon in which Disneyland guests could see Captain Nemo's famous pipe organ, which is now in Disneyland Haunted Mansion ball room.
Another picture of the Grand Salon, with Captain Nemo library.
Of course, what amazed Disneyland guests was the giant squid that they could see through one of Nemo Grand Salon window.
A little bit further in the exhibit was the Nautilus diving chamber.
And right in the center of the 20000 Leagues exhibit was the "Nautilus resting place" with a giant Nautilus.
I'd like to thanks again Todd Popp for these rare 20000 Leagues exhibit View-Master pictures, and his high-quality scans! Those of you interested by View-Master will find a whole chapter in my friend Pascal Pinteau excellent book about cult toys called "Jouets Cultes", here.
Pictures: copyright View-Master. Scans by Todd Popp.
Thanks to Daveland for the 20K Exhibit entrance picture.
Artwork: copyright Disney, Tom Scherman
This is really awesome, thank you very much for sharing!
Very cool! It reminds me of the walk-thru experience in Disneyland Paris. I had no idea it came from this!
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