Monday, January 15, 2018

Shanghai Disney Resort Celebrates Chinese New Year with Traditional Experiences and Distinctive Offerings as the Year of the Dog Begins

Chinese New Year is next month and it is the biggest event n Asia, and especially in China where dozens of millions of people are moving onside - or out of - the country to meet their families. As you can bet, there is no way that Shanghaî Disneyland won't celebrate the event which last almost three weeks in China and from January 22 until March 4 at SDL, and here is the full SDL press release.

Note: Normally i do a copy and paste of the press release text and pictures but this time, as i like the pages layouts you have each original page like it is released to the press by SDL/ Make sure to click on each page to make the text bigger, if needed. 

Pictures: copyright Disney - Shendi

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