Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Marvel Wants Johnny Depp to Play Dr Strange in Dr Strange Movie


According to Latino Review - a web site with very good sources at Marvel and a great record of scoops in the past - Marvel wants Johnny Depp to play the role of Dr Strange in the live action adaptation movie! According to the website Depp already had a meeting with the guys at Marvel and is very interested in pursuing it. If we think at which Marvel super heroes would fit the most for Johnny Depp, Dr Strange is indeed a good choice and the fact that he is apparently a long time fan of Dr Strange should help to have him playing the role.

The deal is not signed yet and let's not forget that Johnny has to play first in Pirates of Caribbean 5. Also, Latino Review, says the script will have to go through an overhaul, especially since the current script centers on a 30 year old Dr Strange, and a see know Depp is now 50. This shouldn't be big problem and the movie if all works well should be released in 2016.

Picture: copyright Marvel

1 comment:

Marco Antonio Garcia said...

That will be a really awesome movie!

I hope that they make it with Johny Depp; he will be perfect in the role.